Scientific paper ID 2527 : 2024/3
Plamen Parushev This report examines a survey of a transport company with a trolleybus fleet. The study examines a three-year period and one selected as a base year. The obtained results determine specific indicators for evaluating the energy efficiency of the industrial system. Recommendations are presented and energy-saving measures are evaluated in the report. The obtained results are analyzed in terms of the possibilities to reduce the direct and indirect costs of the trolleybus transport company. The investigated transport company is a single joint-stock company established to provide passenger transport in the conditions of a large city. With an annual amount of energy over 3,000 MWh, it is subject to a survey under the Energy Efficiency Act, which identifies potential opportunities to reduce energy costs and evaluates energy savings as a result of the implementation of energy-saving measures prescribed in previous surveys. For the quantitative characterization of the company”s production, the quantities ”thousands of kilometers traveled” and ”thousands of passengers carried” were adopted. When carrying out the main activity, an additional one is also carried out - vehicle maintenance activity. The specific energy consumption in the winter months is higher, despite the working air conditioning in the summer. It is interesting to compare the two types of transport - the bus and the trolleybus. Energy performance data for buses and trolleybuses are used.
енергийна ефективност тролейбуси показатели за разход на енергияenergy efficiency trolleybuses energy consumption indicators. Аbstract: This report examines a survey of a transport company with a trolleybus fleet. The study examines a three-year perPlamen Parushev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Milenov, I., G. Pavlov, Vazmozhnosti za povishavane na energiynata efektivnost na gradski elektricheski transport chrez optimizirane na tyagovi elektrozadvizhvaniya. Seminar „Elektroenergetika i elektroobzavezhdane na transporta”, Sbornik dokladi, str. 10-17, Natsionalno druzhestvo na elektroinzhenerite v transporta v Republika Balgariya, 2002. ( [1] Миленов, И., Г. Павлов, Възможности за повишаване на енергийната ефективност на градски електрически транспорт чрез оптимизиране на тягови електрозадвижвания. Семинар „Електроенергетика и електрообзавеждане на транспорта”, Сборник доклади, стр. 10-17, Национално дружество на електроинженерите в транспорта в Република България, 2002. ) [2] Balgaranov L., Pavlov G., I. Milenov, Ch. Dzhambazki. Elektrozadvizhvane, Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [2] Българанов Л., Павлов Г., И. Миленов, Ч. Джамбазки. Електрозадвижване, София, 2009 г. ) [3] Pavlov G., V. Dimitrov. Rakovodstvo za proektirane po elektroobzavezhdane, Sofiya, 2010 g. ( [3] Павлов Г., В. Димитров. Ръководство за проектиране по електрообзавеждане, София, 2010 г. ) |