Scientific paper ID 2522 : 2024/3

Boyko Valkov

The third metrodiameter (Line 3) has been built with an entirely new technology of communication based train control (CBTC), ensuring an automatic mode of trains operation. One of the functions of this system allows recording and storing of data related to a given train movement. This line is served with new high-tech rolling stock - ”Siemens Inspiro” SF metro trains, which are specially produced for Metropoliten of Sofia. These are three-car compositions and represent one integral articulated metro train.

This report presents the results of a conducted study about the energy consumption parameters of ”Siemens Inspiro” SF metro trains in real operating conditions on Line 3 of the Sofia. The experimentally obtained data on energy consumption are analytically processed and presented in tabular form. Based on the obtained results, an analysis of the energy indicators of metro trains has been carried out and the relevant conclusions have been formulated. The concrete data show that with a thorough analysis of a given failure and the applying of proper actions, the volume of failures is significantly reduced. Each failure (in turn) leads to higher power consumption on the line. For this reason, analyzes of failures affecting electric.

„Метрополитен“ ЕАД – София метровлакове „Siemens Inspiro“ SF система R&PMetropolitan EAD - Sofia Siemens Inspiro SF meter trains R&P systemBoyko Valkov


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