Scientific paper ID 2514 : 2024/3
Galina Cherneva, Anton Antonov, Elena Antonova The following four methods are available for starting squirrel cage induction motor: direct starting method, stator inductive resistance (reactor) starting, autotransformer starting, star-delta starting.
One of a squirrel cage induction motor starting methods is by direct connection to a three-phase supply. This is the simplest and most cost-efficient method of starting a motor. With а direct starting method the power supply is easy, an additional equipment don`t is needed, and the starting torque is high. The starting torque far as 1.5 to 2.5 times the full load torque. This is assuming that the power transmission components and the working machine are suitable for the high starting torques. Direct starting method is suitable for relatively low power motors (up to 10 kW), because the motor draws a high starting current (about 4 to 7 times of the rated current) and at a low power factor. The large starting current is unfavorable both for the motor itself and for other users of the power network. Therefore, it is convenient to study the direct starting method of an induction motor by computer simulation. In the present work, a simulation model of a squirrel cage induction motor is proposed. The induction motor is started by connecting it directly to three-phase supply. The simulation results of torque, motor speed and stator current are obtained and analyzed. асинхронен двигател с кафезен ротор директно пускане Matlab/Simulink моделиране.squirrel-cage induction motor direct starting method Matlab/Simulink model.Galina Cherneva Anton Antonov Elena Antonova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Angelov A., D. Dimitrov. Elektricheski mashini ІІ chast. Tehnika, 1988 g. ( [1] Ангелов А., Д. Димитров. Електрически машини ІІ част. Техника, 1988 г. ) [2] Dinov V. Elektricheski mashini. Tehnika, 1991 g. ( [2] Динов В. Електрически машини. Техника, 1991 г. ) [3] Sahdev S. Electrical Machines. Cambridge, 2017 г. [4] Slobodan N. Electrical Machines, Springer, 2012 г. [5] Lazarev Yu. Modelirovanie protsessov i sistem v Matlab. Peterburg, 2005 g. ( [5] Лазарев Ю. Моделирование процессов и систем в Матлаб. Петербург, 2005 г. ) |