Scientific paper ID 2513 : 2024/3
Galina Cherneva, Petar Ivanov The operation of induction motors is accompanied by transient processes in which significant electromagnetic moments develop, several times exceeding the nominal, starting and even critical (maximum) moment. Transient processes occur when starting and stopping the motor, when switching its stator winding from star to delta connection, when changing from one speed of rotation to another. Large electromagnetic moments cause dangerous mechanical voltages and currents to occur. They must be taken into account both at the stages of design and construction, and when evaluating the reliability of engine operation. This necessitates their detailed study and analysis.
The analytical study of transient processes is based on a system of differential equations, which for asynchronous motors is of a higher order. Although a number of simplifications are adopted, the mathematical model of the transient processes is complex and the analytical solution is difficult. Computer modeling and simulation is a convenient approach to analyze electromechanical transient processes, especially for high power motors. In the present work, a simulation model of а squirrel-cage induction motor in Matlab/Simulink environment is proposed. The graphs of torque and rotational speed at engine start are obtained and analyzed. асинхронен двигател с кафезен ротор преходни процеси Matlab/Simulink моделиране.squirrel-cage induction motor transient processes Matlab/Simulink model.Galina Cherneva Petar Ivanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Angelov A., D. Dimitrov. Elektricheski mashini ІІ chast. Tehnika, 1988 g. ( [1] Ангелов А., Д. Димитров. Електрически машини ІІ част. Техника, 1988 г. ) [2] Dinov V. Elektricheski mashini. Tehnika, 1991 g. ( [2] Динов В. Електрически машини. Техника, 1991 г. ) [3] Sahdev S. Electrical Machines. Cambridge, 2017 г. [4] Slobodan N. Electrical Machines, Springer, 2012 г. [5] Lazarev Yu. Modelirovanie protsessov i sistem v Matlab. Peterburg, 2005 g. ( [5] Лазарев Ю. Моделирование процессов и систем в Матлаб. Петербург, 2005 г. ) |