Scientific paper ID 2511 : 2024/3
Ivan Milenov, Boris Hristov, Eduard Ndokay The heart of every car is its engine, and in electric cars - its electric motor. Automotive designers, in their desire to impose electric cars in an indisputable way, make ever higher demands on the electric motors that drive them. They are d to be of small dimensions, weight and own losses, and at the same time to have high power, to be fast-paced and to develop a large torque. All electric motors operate on the principle of electromagnetic induction. There are no new principles of action. That is why constructors turn to new technologies. A number of research centres and laboratories are working hard to develop and deploy these new technologies. They can offer new materials and new constructive solutions. With their help, the technical parameters and characteristics of electric motors are constantly increasing. The report examines the main modern technologies that have found application in electric motors of electric vehicles. An analysis of the applied new technologies is made and an assessment of the results achieved in the field of electric drives for electric vehicles is given.
електромобили тягови двигатели нови технологии при електромобилитеelectric vehicles traction motors new technologies in electric vehiclesIvan Milenov Boris Hristov Eduard Ndokay BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Evtimov I., R. Ivanov. Elektromobili. Vtoro preraboteno izdanie. Ruse, Izdatelski tsentar pri RU „Angel Kanchev”, ISBN 978-954-712-682-4, 2016g.. ( [1] Евтимов И., Р. Иванов. Електромобили. Второ преработено издание. Русе, Издателски център при РУ „Ангел Кънчев”, ISBN 978-954-712-682-4, 2016г.. ) [2] Electric Cars – The Future is Now! England, ISBN: 978-1-845843-10-6 upc: 6-36847-04310-0,2010. [3] Electrical Machines, Oxford (2018) [4] Milenov I. Metodi i tehnicheski sredstva za uvelichavane na probega na elektromobila, Trinadeseta mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya ”Smolyan-2011”, 2 - 3 yuli 2011g. ( [4] Миленов И. Методи и технически средства за увеличаване на пробега на електромобила, Тринадесета международна научна конференция ”Смолян-2011”, 2 - 3 юли 2011г. ) |