Scientific paper ID 2501 : 2024/3
Ilko Tarpov, Vasil Dimitrov The study of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the vicinity of high-power electrical equipment is of increasing importance for the assessment of electromagnetic emissions and their impact on service personnel, as well as for compliance with electromagnetic compatibility standards. The report analyzes the impact of EMF on human health. A study of the electric field near an induction heater was carried out - such equipment is widely used in locomotive repair facilities and is used as an effective, fast and precise method in replacing bandage bracelets on locomotive wheels by means of their electric heating by means of eddy currents. Measurements of the intensity of the electric field in the vicinity of the heater were carried out under real working conditions in the Plovdiv locomotive depot, the aim being to determine the safe zone. Appropriate equipment is used and a methodology for collecting, analyzing and processing the necessary data is presented. The obtained results show that the field weakens with distance from the inductor and at a distance of more than 1 m is practically insignificant. Organizational and technical measures are also indicated, which must be implemented when working with powerful electrical devices in order to limit the harmful influence of the field on the service personnel.
електромагнитно поле (ЕМП) електромагнитни излъчвания индукционен нагревател техническа безопасностelectromagnetic field (EMF) electromagnetic radiation induction heater technical safetyIlko Tarpov Vasil Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Valchev M, Ohrana na truda, Tehnika, 1990 ( [1] Вълчев М, Охрана на труда, Техника, 1990 ) [2] Nezadalzhitelno rakovodstvo za dobri praktiki pri prilagane na Direktiva 2013/35/ES za elektromagnitnite poleta. Tom 1. Evropeyska komisiya, 2014 https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?doc... ( [2] Незадължително ръководство за добри практики при прилагане на Директива 2013/35/ЕС за електромагнитните полета. Том 1. Европейска комисия, 2014 https://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?doc... ) [3] Elektromagnitni poleta – riskove za zdraveto, Ministerstvo na zdraveopazvaneto https://www.mh.government.bg/media/filer_pu... ( [3] Електромагнитни полета – рискове за здравето, Министерство на здравеопазването https://www.mh.government.bg/media/filer_pu... ) [4] Cherneva G., E. Dimitrova, Izsledvane na magnitnoto pole na tyagov tok, n. sp. „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, ISSN 1312-3823, br. 3, str. VII-1 – VII-3, 2011 ( [4] Чернева Г., Е. Димитрова, Изследване на магнитното поле на тягов ток, н. сп. „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, ISSN 1312-3823, бр. 3, стр. VII-1 – VII-3, 2011 ) [5] Staykov G., G. Sapundzhiev, A. Kyuvbashiev, Eksploatatsiya i remont na elektricheski lokomotivi, Tehnika, Sofiya, 1974 ( [5] Стайков Г., Г. Сапунджиев, А. Кювбашиев, Експлоатация и ремонт на електрически локомотиви, Техника, София, 1974 ) [6] Makedonski N., Experimental study of power losses due to inrush currents of the electrical drives, 11th Int. Sc. Conf. BulEF 2019, DOI: 10.1109/BulEF48056.2019.9030728, 2019 [7] Dimitrova E., Methods for Diagnostics of the Status of Equipment for Signaling Systems (IEEE Xplore Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/BulEF48056.2019.9030740, 2019 |