Scientific paper ID 2495 : 2024/3
Adelina Miteva Nanotechnology represents a transformative force that is reshaping industries and daily life, offering unprecedented innovation opportunities. This interdisciplinary field draws from diverse scientific domains, encompassing mathematics, chemistry, physics, biology, and even military sciences. In the realm of the transport industry, nanotechnology heralds significant changes. This paper conducts a thorough examination of both current and potential applications of nanotechnology within the transport sector. Through meticulous analysis, supplemented by illustrative examples and case studies, the paper explores the myriad ways in which nanotechnology can revolutionize transportation systems. These enhancing vehicle design and infrastructure development, as well as optimizing logistics and supply chain management. Moreover, the paper critically evaluates current implementations, addressing challenges such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and safety. Additionally, it delves into future research directions, embracing emerging technologies and innovative approaches. The objective of this paper is to illuminate the multifaceted applications of nanotechnology in the transport industry. By doing so, it aims to enhance comprehension of the profound impact that nanotechnology is having on the future of mobility and logistics, and to facilitate the development of sustainable and efficient transport solutions.
нанотехнологии транспортна индустрия иновации междисциплинарен дизайн на превозни средства развитие на инфраструктурата оптимизация на логистиката управление на веригата на доставки нови технологии устойчив транспорт.nanotechnology transport inAdelina Miteva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mathew J., et. al., Potential applications of nanotechnology in transportation: A review, Journal of King Saud University-Science, 2019, 31(4), 586-594. [2] Shafique M., et. al., Nanotechnology in transportation vehicles: An overview of its applications, environmental, health and safety concerns, Materials, 2019, 12(15), 2493. [3] Malik S., et. al., Nanotechnology: A revolution in modern industry. Molecules, 2023, 28(2), 661. [4] Mohammed N., et. al., Nanotechnology and its applications in industry and product design. Journal of Textiles, Coloration and Polymer Science, 2024, 21(2), 273-284. [5] Khadake N., et. al., Nanotechnology in Transportation Vehicles (No. 2024-26-0235). SAE Technical Paper, 2024. [6] Presting H.. et. al., Future nanotechnology developments for automotive applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2003, 23(6-8), 737-741. [7] Astanaliev E. T., Future of railway, In “Perspektivnyye etapy razvitiya nauchnyh issledovaniy: teoriya i praktika”, 2018, 176-180. ( [7] Astanaliev E. T., Future of railway, In “Перспективные этапы развития научных исследований: теория и практика”, 2018, 176-180. ) [8] Carranza G., et. al., Technologies to address the future rail challenges. Open Journal of Business and Management, 2024, 12(02), 1286-1301. [9] Gupta R., et. al., eds., Advances in Nanotechnology for Marine Antifouling, Elsevier, 2023. [10] Rickerby d. g., et. al., Nanotechnology and the environment: a european perspective. Science and technology of advanced materials, 2007, 8(1-2), 19. |