Scientific paper ID 2494 : 2024/3
Adelina Miteva Aluminum and its alloys are gaining significant attention due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and recyclability. this study explores the use of secondary aluminum alloys in current and potential Transportation applications. secondary aluminum production involves recycling aluminum scrap, significantly reducing environmental impact and energy consumption. Research shows that recycled aluminum is 92 percent more energy-efficient than primary production, making it a sustainable alternative.
In transportation, secondary aluminum alloys are used in automotive components, aircraft structures, and railway systems. These applications benefit from the material`s lightweight nature, improving fuel efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the durability and cost-effectiveness of recycled aluminum make it appealing for widespread use. This report analyzes the mechanical and physical properties of secondary aluminum alloys, comparing them with primary aluminum to highlight benefits and trade-offs. It addresses recycling challenges like contamination and alloying element losses, proposing advanced techniques to overcome these issues. Future work in this field will focus on innovative recycling technologies and optimizing alloy compositions to meet the transportation industry`s evolving demands. The findings emphasize the role of secondary aluminum alloys in promoting sustainable development and advancing transportation technology. вторични алуминиеви сплави транспортна индустрия рециклиране на алуминий енергийна ефективност алуминиев скрап устойчиви материали индустриални приложения въздействие върху околната среда свойства на материалите бъдещи разработки.secondary alumiAdelina Miteva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Schlesinger, M. E., Aluminum recycling, CRC press, 2006 [2] Gaustad G., et al., Improving aluminum recycling: A survey of sorting and impurity removal technologies, Resources, conservation and recycling, 2012, 58, 79-87. [3] Kucharikova L., et al., Recycling and properties of recycled aluminium alloys used in the transportation industry, Transport problems, 2016, 11(2), 117-122. [4] Mahfoud M., et al., Aluminum recycling-challenges and opportunities, Advanced materials research, 2010, 83, 571-578. [5] Capuzzi S., et. al., Preparation and melting of scrap in aluminum recycling: A review, Metals, 2018, 8(4), 249. [6] Blanco D., et. al., Sustainable processes in aluminum, magnesium, and titanium alloys applied to the transport sector: a review, Metals, 2021, 12(1), 9. [7] Modaresi R., et. al., The role of automobiles for the future of aluminum recycling, Environmental science & technology, 2012, 46(16), 8587-8594. [8] Løvik A. N., et. al., Long-term strategies for increased recycling of automotive aluminum and its alloying elements, Environmental science & technology, 2014, 48(8), 4257-4265. [9] Das S. K., et. al., Recycling aluminum aerospace alloys, Advanced materials and processes, 2008, 166(3), 34. [10] Merkisz-Guranowska A., et al., Rail vehicles recycling. WIT Transactions on the built environment, 2014,135, 425-436. [11] Delogu M., et al., End-of-life in the railway sector: analysis of recyclability and recoverability for different vehicle case studies, Waste management, 2017, 60, 439-450. [12] Moussa A. A., et. al., Development and research directions in ship recycling: A systematic literature review with bibliometric analysis, Marine pollution bulletin, 2024, 201, 116247. |