Scientific paper ID 2493 : 2024/3
Anna Bouzekova-Penkova In recent decades, aluminum and aluminum alloys have become indispensable materials in the production of high-speed trains. Their lightweight, strength, durability, and corrosion resistance ensure a lighter construction of high-speed trains, increased speed, reliability, and energy efficiency. Their use leads to reduced production and maintenance costs, making them a preferred material for future high-speed train manufacturing. This report provides a brief overview of the types of aluminum alloys used in high-speed rail transport.
алуминий алуминиеви сплави високоскоростни влакове железопътен транспортaluminum aluminum alloys high-speed trains railway transportAnna Bouzekova-Penkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Rochard, B.P., Schmid, F., Benefits of lower-mass trains for high speed rail operations. Proc. Inst. Civil Eng. Transp. 157, 51–64, 2004. [2] Ashby, M. F., Multi-objective optimisation in material design and selection. ACTA Materialia Millenium, 48, 359–369, 2000. [3] De la Guerra, Eduardo, Lightweight primary structures for High-speed railway carbodies, International Congress on High-speed Rail: Technologies and Long Term Impacts - Ciudad Real (Spain), 360. Revista de alta velocidad, 5, 9-21, 2018. [4] Brocker, W. and Rosenberger, R. D., Light weight potentials in coach body structures of high-speed trains. WCRR, D, 713–721, 1997. [5] Miteva A., Classification of aluminium and aluminium alloys, Sbornik dokladi ot godishna universitetska nauchna konferentsiya, V. Tarnovo, Izdatelski kompleks na NVU „Vasil Levski”, 2551-2559, 2021, ISSN 2367-7481. ( [5] Miteva A., Classification of aluminium and aluminium alloys, Сборник доклади от годишна университетска научна конференция, В. Търново, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, 2551-2559, 2021, ISSN 2367-7481. ) [6] Sun Xiaoguang, Xiaohui Han, Chaofang Dong and Xiaogang Li, chapter Applications of Aluminum Alloys in Rail Transportation from book Advanced Aluminium Composites and Alloys, 2020, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.96442. [7] Alyuminievyye splavy: Primenenie alyuminievyh splavov: Spravochnik. M.: Metallurgiya, 343, 1985. ( [7] Алюминиевые сплавы: Применение алюминиевых сплавов: Справочник. М.: Металлургия, 343, 1985. ) [8] Miteva A., On the microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposites, Eighth Scientific Conference with International Participation Space, Ecology, Safety, Proceedings SES 2012, 220-225, 2013, ISSN 1313 – 3888. [9] Miteva A., On the microstructure and strengthening of aluminium and aluminium alloys, Tribological Journal Bultrib, 3, 367-370, 2013, ISSN: 1313-9878. [10] Antipov V. V., Senatorova O. G., Tkachenko E. A., Vysokoprochnyye alyuminievyye splavy, Tsvitnyye metally, 2013 g., glava 9. ( [10] Антипов В. В., Сенаторова О. Г., Ткаченко Е. А., Высокопрочные алюминиевые сплавы, Цвитные металлы, 2013 г., глава 9. ) [11] Fridlyander I. N., Vysokoprochnyye deformiruemyye alyuminievyye splavy. — M. Oborongiz, 291, 1960. ( [11] Фридляндер И. Н., Высокопрочные деформируемые алюминиевые сплавы. — М. Оборонгиз, 291, 1960. ) [12] Braude Z.I., Lyapin A.G., Tomilin N.V, Konstruktsii iz alyuminievyh splavov, M.: Stroyizdat, 193, 1994. ( [12] Брауде З.И., Ляпин А.Г., Томилин Н.В, Конструкции из алюминиевых сплавов, М.: Стройиздат, 193, 1994. ) [13] https://www.dreamstime.com/inside-rail-car-... [14] https://www.dreamstime.com/photos-images/al... [15] https://hyalgroup.com/products/44-High-stre... [16] Li, S. S., X. Yue, Q. Y. Li et al., Development and applications of aluminum alloys for aerospace industry, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27, 944-983, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.09.274 [17] Gloria, A., R. Montanari, M. Richetta, A. Varone, Alloys for aeronautic applications: State of the art and perspectives, Metals, 9(6), 662, 2019, https://doi.org/10.3390/met9060662 [18] https://www.assemblymag.com/articles/95730-... [19] http://lodecjinshu.com/en/innovation-alumin... [20] https://www.wired.com/2014/12/aluminum-foam... [21] https://www.alstom.com/press-releases-news/... [22] https://www.alstom.com/press-releases-news/... |