Scientific paper ID 2491 : 2024/3
Chavdar Turlakov, Lyubomir Sekulov The object of research in the report are four sections of the tram network of the city of Sofia. The first examined section is from Kozloduy St. to the 5th City Hospital along Maria Luiza Blvd. The second section is from Dunav St. to Orlandovtsi Quarter, along ”Kozloduy” and ”Kamenodelska” streets. The third section is ”Pirdop” avenue to ”Avtostancia Iztok” avenue on ”Botevgradsko shose” blvd. The fourth section is from Todor Kableshkov Blvd. to Vitoshka Blvd. along Bulgaria Blvd. on a separate tram route.
The following tram models TM model Pesa120NaSf, TM model Бе4/6S, TM model T8M-700 IT, TM model T6A2 – BG, TM model T6A5, which move on lines, respectively, №7 and №27, №12, №18 and №3, from the public transport network of the city of Sofia and are operated by ”Stolichen Elektrotransport” EAD. The experimental study was carried out under normal operating conditions for the period from 1.08.2022 to 1.12.2022. The noises in the different driving modes were measured and recorded graphically. The main objective is to compare the noise levels of different tram models and different routes. A large volume of data has been obtained from the experimental studies conducted. Some of them are shown graphically and in the report. A detailed analysis of the obtained results was made and the extreme values of the noise levels of the moving TMs in the sections were determined. наземен електрически транспорт електрически транспортни средства трамвайни мотриси трамваи транспортен шум шумово замърсяванеground electric transport electric vehicles tram cars trams transport noise noise pollutionChavdar Turlakov Lyubomir Sekulov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremennite elektricheski transportni sredstva, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „KEIT–2014”, n. sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, broy 3/2, 2014 g. statiya № 1012 ( [1] Димитров В., Изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременните електрически транспортни средства, Международна научна конференция „КЕИТ–2014”, н. сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 12, брой 3/2, 2014 г. статия № 1012 ) [2] Balgaranov L. Elektricheski transport. Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [2] Българанов Л. Електрически транспорт. София, 2009 г. ) [3] Stolichen elektrotransport EAD , ( [3] Столичен електротранспорт ЕАД , ) [4] Zakon za dvizhenie po patishtata ( Obn. DV. br. 20 ot 5 mart 1999 g. dop. DV. br. 62 ot 27 yuli 2018 g.) ( [4] Закон за движение по пътищата ( Обн. ДВ. бр. 20 от 5 март 1999 г. доп. ДВ. бр. 62 от 27 юли 2018 г.) ) [5] Pravilnik za prilagane na Zakona za dvizhenie po patishtata. (Obn. DV. br.25 ot 22 Mart 1996g. , izm. i dop. DV. br.13 ot 17 Fevruari 2015g.) ( [5] Правилник за прилагане на Закона за движение по пътищата. (Обн. ДВ. бр.25 от 22 Март 1996г. , изм. и доп. ДВ. бр.13 от 17 Февруари 2015г.) ) [6] https://www.bing.com/search?q=shumovo zamarsyavane&cvid=88d996890e73462b87b7339b783690ee&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.3479j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&DAF0=1&PC ( [6] https://www.bing.com/search?q=шумово замърсяване&cvid=88d996890e73462b87b7339b783690ee&aqs=edge.1.69i57j0l8.3479j0j4&FORM=ANAB01&DAF0=1&PC ) [7] Shumovo zamarsyavane – Uikipediya (wikipedia.org) ( [7] Шумово замърсяване – Уикипедия (wikipedia.org) ) |