Scientific paper ID 2488 : 2024/3
Neli Lalkovska Today`s dynamic times of economic and financial crisis, rapid penetration of artificial intelligence ( AI), and high criteria on climate change transport management flexibility, continuous updating of knowledge, and introduction of innovative practices. All this cannot happen without people in transport. They need enormous support in this transition period to acquire new skills, and some of them to retrain. The profile of transport workers is a complex mix of professional skills, soft skills, and key competencies, but it is also directly relevant to outcomes, quality of work processes, and sustainability. People working in transport need to have multiple qualities: vocational education and training - hard skills, competencies, knowledge, soft skills and key competencies. They must be open to LLM. As VET skills can be achieved within formal education, training of others is usually integrated into work processes. Today, transport needs not just managers who control resources, but leaders who give people a shared perspective and inspire and work with them to deliver it.
обучение в транспорта работна сила професионални знания меки умения ключови компетентности зелени умения комуникация с ИИ жени лидери Резюме. Днешното динамично време на икономическа и финансова криза бързото навлизане на изкуствения интелект (ИИNeli Lalkovska BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Namely, https://technologyadvice.com/products/namel... [2] НАЦИОНАЛНА КВАЛИФИКАЦИОННА РАМКА НА РЕПУБЛИКА БЪЛГАРИЯ, https://www.navet.government.bg/bg/media/NQ... [3] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, https://www.oecd.org/cfe/leed/Greener skills_Highlights WEB.pdf [4] 10 Reasons Why Soft Skills Are Important, https://www.knowledgehut.com/blog/others/so... [5] Vocational skills: definition, careers and examples, https://ie.indeed.com/career-advice/finding... [6] list of key competencies, https://careersmart.org.uk/your-career/sell... [7] Selling your skills, https://careersmart.org.uk/tag/selling-your... [8] Appraisals, evaluations & reviews, https://careersmart.org.uk/tag/appraisals-e... [9] AI Communication Skills, https://www.teachfloor.com/blog/ai-communic... [10] 11 Sustainable Technologies that Help Companies Go Green https://ied.eu/blog/sustainability-blog/11-... [11] EU Climate Targets: The Mission of the European Green Deal, |