Scientific paper ID 2486 : 2024/3
Daniela Todorova, Krasimir Krastanov, Nina Gergova The training that higher education institutions must offer has the main task of providing knowledgeable, creative, highly qualified and competent specialists who will contribute to increasing competitiveness, creating and developing innovations, increasing employment, as well as developing the economies of individual countries.
Educational services have their specifics, both in demand and in their supply. The report examines factors that influence the demand for and supply of educational services in higher education. The main factors that directly influence and relate to educational services in higher education institutions and are related to the offered quality of higher education in a competitive environment have been investigated. The economic conditions in which our economy is developing and in which the educational system functions puts the Bulgarian higher schools in front of the need to overcome a number of negative consequences. The development of market relations and competition in the higher education market pose questions to higher education institutions related to ensuring the competitiveness of each of them, taking into account the needs and preferences of potential users of the higher education institution`s services. фактори образование предизвикателства търсене предлагане финансиранеfactors education challenges demand supply financingDaniela Todorova Krasimir Krastanov Nina Gergova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dancheva M., Todorova D., Marketingov analiz na konkurentosposobnostta na obrazovatelnite uslugi na vissheto uchilishte (VU) – metodicheski aspekti, sp. „MTK“, br. 3/1, 2015g., ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online) ( [1] Данчева М., Тодорова Д., Маркетингов анализ на конкурентоспособността на образователните услуги на висшето училище (ВУ) – методически аспекти, сп. „МTK“, бр. 3/1, 2015г., ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online) ) [2]Evrostat, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, https://commission.europa.eu/research-and-i... ( [2]Евростат, https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat, https://commission.europa.eu/research-and-i... ) [3] Inovatsionnata politika na Evropeyskiya sayuz i Balgariya, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/b... ( [3] Иновационната политика на Европейския съюз и България, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/b... ) [4] Initsiativi v oblastta na vissheto obrazovanie - European Education Area (europa.eu) ( [4] Инициативи в областта на висшето образование - European Education Area (europa.eu) ) [5] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, www.nsi.bg ( [5] Национален статистически институт, www.nsi.bg ) [6] Portar, M. Konkurentna strategiya: Tehniki za analiz na industrii i konkurenti, S. Klasika i Stil, 2010 ( [6] Портър, М. Конкурентна стратегия: Техники за анализ на индустрии и конкуренти, С. Класика и Стил, 2010 ) [7] Politika za razvitie na Visshe transportno uchilishte “Todor Kableshkov” sas strategicheski tseli, zadachi, tselevi stoynosti i pokazateli za izpalnenieto im., https://old.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ( [7] Политика за развитие на Висше транспортно училище “Тодор Каблешков” със стратегически цели, задачи, целеви стойности и показатели за изпълнението им., https://old.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2020/... ) [8] Reytingova sistema na visshite uchilishta v Balgariya, http://rsvu.mon.bg. ( [8] Рейтингова система на висшите училища в България, http://rsvu.mon.bg. ) [9] Strategiyata za razvitie na vissheto obrazovanie v Republika Balgariya za perioda 2021 - 2030 godina, https://www.mon.bg/bg/143 ( [9] Стратегията за развитие на висшето образование в Република България за периода 2021 - 2030 година, https://www.mon.bg/bg/143 ) |