Scientific paper ID 2478 : 2024/4
Ivaylo Atanasov, Veselin Grozdanov The possibility of taking regional socio-economic conditions into account when assessing the externalities and feasibility of a railway infrastructure project is a very complex process that has different interpretations from different transport experts. The gradual creation of a European railway area without borders s the creation of interoperability within the trans-European network, which covers safety, management and access procedures to the national railway system. Increasing ments for security, reliability, protection of people`s health, environmental protection and technical compatibility. All this is related to the development of new investment projects. An investment project should mean reconstruction or construction of new infrastructure. The application of pricing on the basis of marginal public costs is a starting point in the construction of the system of infrastructure charges in transport. The main stages of this process are related to the definition of the specific elements in the tariff structures, the consideration of the characteristics of individual infrastructure objects and their sensitivity to environmental pollution, transport accidents and traffic jams.
Инфраструктурни такси инвестиции в транспорта екологично замърсяване финансов анализ икономически анализ.Infrastructure fees transport investments environmental pollution financial analysis economic analysis.Ivaylo Atanasov Veselin Grozdanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] E. Zhelezov, Yu. Varadinova-Milkova, ”Ikonomicheski aspekti na analiza po razhodi i polzi na zhelezopatni infrastrukturni proekti”, spisanie ”Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”. ( [1] Е. Железов, Ю. Варадинова-Милкова, ”Икономически аспекти на анализа по разходи и ползи на железопътни инфраструктурни проекти”, списание ”Механика, транспорт, комуникации”. ) [2] D. Todorova, ”Usavarshenstvane na investitsionnata politika v zhelezopatniya transport za efektivno razvitie v pazarni usloviya” – disertatsiya. ( [2] Д. Тодорова, ”Усъвършенстване на инвестиционната политика в железопътния транспорт за ефективно развитие в пазарни условия” – дисертация. ) [3] Hr. Nikolova, ”Edinen podhod za opredelyane na infrastrukturnite taksi v transporta” spisanie ”Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”. ( [3] Хр. Николова, ”Единен подход за определяне на инфраструктурните такси в транспорта” списание ”Механика, транспорт, комуникации”. ) [4] S. Ananiev, ”Predizvikatelstva na liberalizatsiyata na zhelezopatnite tovarni prevozi v Balgariya”, spisanie ”Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”. ( [4] С. Ананиев, ”Предизвикателства на либерализацията на железопътните товарни превози в България”, списание ”Механика, транспорт, комуникации”. ) [5] Zakon za zhelezopatnite prevozi. ( [5] Закон за железопътните превози. ) |