Scientific paper ID 2475 : 2024/4

Diana Vladimirova Draghieva

In terms of EU ments, criteria and methods for safety management and risk assessment in the rail transport system, the report analyzes the main factors that influence safety. The main methodological issues related to safety in railway companies are explored, emphasizing the importance of safety management systems and their structure. The principles of rail transport management and individual railway undertakings are also analyzed, highlighting the main components of safety management systems. These systems should a safety policy, internal regulations and procedures, safety promotion strategies, personnel training and hazard identification methods. Seven types of safety analysis are outlined, including conceptual, initial, detailed and systematic, functional, job-specific analysis, and safety ments-based analysis. Safety analysis and assessment methods are categorized based on their objectives, analytical type, and logical approach. The strengths, weaknesses of each method and recommended guidelines for use are discussed. The key role of safety in improving the overall performance of railway enterprises is highlighted.

железопътен транспорт оценка на риска общ метод за безопасност функционалност подходи и методи.railway transport risk assessment general safety method functionality approaches and methods.Diana Vladimirova Draghieva


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