Scientific paper ID 2474 : 2024/4

Diana Vladimirova Draghieva

Bulgaria`s road and transport systems face several challenges in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. The rail system suffers from significant infrastructural and operational deficiencies, including aging rolling stock, low technical speed and poor infrastructure. Regulatory and legislative challenges pose significant obstacles to the implementation of Bulgaria`s integrated transport strategy, which aims to reduce the number of vehicles using conventional fuels in urban areas and reorient road freight transport towards more sustainable modes of transport. The economic challenges facing road transport in Bulgaria poor governance, insufficient transparency, monitoring and control and non-competitive selection processes. To overcome these challenges, Bulgaria needs to invest in modernizing its transport infrastructure, improving connectivity between different modes of transport and streamlining regulatory procedures. The integrated transport strategy in Bulgaria aims to promote sustainable development by reducing the number of vehicles using conventional fuels in urban areas and redirecting freight road transport to more sustainable types. Despite the challenges, the strategy aims to complete Europe`s high-speed rail network by 2050 and connect all airports to the rail network.

железопътен транспорт инфраструктура предимства недостатъци перспективи за развитиеrailway transport infrastructure advantages disadvantages prospects for developmentDiana Vladimirova Draghieva


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