Scientific paper ID 2470 : 2024/2

Petya Vaskova Hristova

Lean Six Sigma approach is a life experienced structured and precise approach, used into the management and targeting improvement and increasing effectiveness and efficiency. It investigates the clients’ needs in details, uses facts and statistical data, analyze information in order the most appropriate decisions to be taken. Lean Six Sigma helps the most suitable tools to be used, at the right time and right place. This article is for the Lean Six Sigma for railway transport of dangerous goods on the territory. Of. Republic of Bulgaria and focuses on the Define, Measurement, Analyze, Improvement and Control. Lean Six Sigma improves the existing processes for the railway transport of dangerous goods and helps creating economic environment for constant improvement and optimization. It is suitable for governmental organizations and private companies, independently from their size, so they can meet the needs of the clients, to eliminate the waste of time and resources and to use tools and techniques which will increase the value of the services and at the same time to solve complex problems and issues.

опасни товари подобряване повишаване ефективност железопътен транспорт Lean Six Sigmadangerous goods Lean Six Sigma efficiency railway transportPetya Vaskova Hristova


[1] John Morgan and Martin Brenig-Jones “Lean Six Sigma”, 2016 ISBN 978-1-119-06735-1

[2] NSI, Razdel transport
( [2] НСИ, Раздел транспорт )




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