Scientific paper ID 2467 : 2024/2

Yevheniia Kryzhanovska

The article examines the specifics of the development of passenger water transport in the context of cruise shipping, the relationship between the classification features of passenger ships is characterized depending on the area of navigation, the way of movement and the functional purpose, the classification of the passenger fleet was clarified depending on the nature and principle of movement, operational function, technical characteristics of the main engine, etc.

Based on the analysis of the sources, the means of sea and river transport are structured, the advantages and disadvantages of water travel are clarified. The advantages a high level of comfort, a large volume of one-time load, the possibility of applying various types and purposes of tourism, a full-fledged rest, a full set of life support, the disadvantages are the low speed of movement of vehicles, high tariffs, limitation of mobility and others.

The main indicators for the comfort of sea and river cruise liners are analyzed, the standard classification of the cabins (Cabin class) of a cruise motor ship is presented. The parameters and positions of the ”stardom” of the cruise ships are specified in accordance with the characteristics of their class (standard, premium, luxury). A comparative deion of the parameters of giant liners of the American company ”Royal Caribbean Cruise Line” is given.

круизен флот круизно корабоплаване глобална транспортна система пътнически капацитет пътнически воден транспорт.cruise fleet cruise shipping global transportation system passenger capacity passenger water transport.Yevheniia Kryzhanovska


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