Scientific paper ID 2466 : 2024/2
Georgi Hristov Tsolov The processes of development and improvement of the condition of infrastructure facilities of different nature and functions are of key importance not only for ensuring transport connectivity, but also for achieving synergistic effects, which are expressed in the organization and, above all, the systemic self-organization of economic activity in the regions. These effects of the development of the transport infrastructure suggest: a significant growth of foreign investments, systemic impact on human capital development, deepening cross-border cooperation, rapid modernization of transport systems, achieving regional sustainability and improving the relationship between man and nature, the public capacity to respond to crises of a natural and/or economic nature is increased, etc.
Bulgaria is faced with the challenge of quickly and effectively solving several mutually relevant issues in this area. First of all, we must fulfill the preions and recommendations for the integration of our country into the pan-European network of intelligent transport systems. Next, we should win a leading role in the EU enlargement process in the Balkans and ensure the regional competitiveness of the countries of this region. Thirdly, it is necessary to look at the complex geographical advantages of the country and, by combining them with those of neighboring countries, to turn our space and territory into a global center of interaction of different types of transport - both those that we define as ”traditional” and those that are absolutely innovative and have only recently established their alternative potential. свързаност инвестиции транспортен хъб интегриран подход коридор №10 местна стратегия междудържавни споразумения икономическа интеграцияconnectivity investment transport hub integrated approach corridor №10 local strategy interstate agreementGeorgi Hristov Tsolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Nikolova, Hr. Mobilnost i intermodalen patnicheski transport. Za svarzanost na stolitsite s golemite gradove i pristanishtata, letishtata, granichnite punktove http://ritrans.eu/index.xsp?issue=2014-05&a... ( [1] Николова, Хр. Мобилност и интермодален пътнически транспорт. За свързаност на столиците с големите градове и пристанищата, летищата, граничните пунктове http://ritrans.eu/index.xsp?issue=2014-05&a... ) [2] OP „Transportna svarzanost“ 2021-2027, pismena protsedura za nabirane na proekti https://www.eufunds.bg/bg/optti/node/15180 ( [2] ОП „Транспортна свързаност“ 2021-2027, писмена процедура за набиране на проекти https://www.eufunds.bg/bg/optti/node/15180 ) [3] Velikova, E., Gatovski, I. (2023). Improving the Quality of Public Transport to Achieve Environmental Sustainability in the City of Sofia, Bulgaria. In International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water and Environment (pp. 123-132). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?ei... [4] Vasileva, E. Strategichesko planirane na regionalnoto razvitie, IK UNSS, Sofiya, 2018, str. 23-27 ( [4] Василева, Е. Стратегическо планиране на регионалното развитие, ИК УНСС, София, 2018, стр. 23-27 ) [5] Kurteva, Galya. Znanieto kato strategicheski resurs v organizatsiyata. NK ”Horizonti v razvitieto na choveshkite resursi i znanieto”, BSU, 2015 ( [5] Куртева, Галя. Знанието като стратегически ресурс в организацията. НК ”Хоризонти в развитието на човешките ресурси и знанието”, БСУ, 2015 ) [6] Nikolov, G., Vasileva, E., Botseva, D. (2021). Methodological aspects of strategic regional planning for achieving sustainable development in Bulgaria doi:10.1007/978-3-030-75278-1_28 https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?ei... |