Scientific paper ID 2458 : 2024/1

Emil M. Mihaylov

The article deals with special situations in the operation of a loading device for partial lifting of trams during emergency recovery works called ”spreader”. The spreader was designed in 2006 with a load capacity of 10 tonnes, it was subsequently verified for 16 tonnes. The spreader is used in emergency recovery work - derailments, chassis and driveline damage to tramcars, and loading and unloading of tramcars onto transport trolleys. In a con-siderable number of cases, the tramcar after derailment occupies a position which imposes an uneven load on the spreader beam. Some of the peculiar operating situations and the beam loads involved are discussed in this paper. It is found that under uneven loading of the beam, the stresses, though unevenly distributed over its body, do not exceed the permissible values.

ТЗП спредер трамвайни мотриси аварийно-възстановителни работи.spreader trams emergency recovery works.Emil M. Mihaylov


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