Scientific paper ID 2452 : 2024/1
A 1009 mm GAUGE
Emil M. Mihaylov This paper introduces the design of a loading ramp for the loading and unloading of tram mo-tor units onto transport trolleys. The structure”s design is part of a novel technology for the loading, unloading, and transportation of trams for standard track gauges, specifically de-signed for a track gauge of 1009 mm, in the repair facility known as ”Tramcar.” There exists a need to replace the current technology, which relies on sequentially partially lifting the motor units using an emergency crane. A unique aspect of the loading and unloading processes is the presence of a combined track with a shared rail, necessitating a 213 mm lateral shift of the load. The described structure is capable of moving the tram motor unit in the d direc-tion. Additionally, the loading ramp is a relocatable installation, allowing it to be positioned wherever there is a combined track and moved away after use to avoid obstructing transport or maneuvering operations. A significant advantage is that it does not the deactivation of the contact wire during operation. The ramp is composed of several modules: a horizontal sec-tion with two parts and a trestle with four parts. The manipulation of the motor unit is facilitat-ed in the horizontal section, which s curves in both of its modules. The paper presents the design and strength calculations using the finite element method.
товарна рампа трамваи.loading ramp tramwayEmil M. Mihaylov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Emil M. Mihaylov, „Proekt na saorazhenie za tovarene, raztovarvane i prevoz-vane na tramvayni motrisi za normalno mezhdurelsie varhu transportni kolichki za mezhdurelsie 1009 mm”, Stolichen elektrotransport EAD, Sofiya, 2018 g. ( [1] Емил М. Михайлов, „Проект на съоръжение за товарене, разтоварване и превоз-ване на трамвайни мотриси за нормално междурелсие върху транспортни колички за междурелсие 1009 mm”, Столичен електротранспорт ЕАД, София, 2018 г. ) [2] Pravilnik s tehnicheski iziskvaniya i normi za tramvaen relsov pat, Stolichna obshtina, SKGT EAD, Sofiya, 2000 g. ( [2] Правилник с технически изисквания и норми за трамваен релсов път, Столична община, СКГТ ЕАД, София, 2000 г. ) [3] Kazakov K., „Metod na kraynite elementi za modelirane na stroitelni konst-ruktsii“, AI „Prof. Marin Drinov“, Sofiya, 2010 g. ( [3] Казаков К., „Метод на крайните елементи за моделиране на строителни конст-рукции“, АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов“, София, 2010 г. ) [4] Bankov B., Pavlova Yu., „Metod na kraynite elementi v stroitelnata mehanika“, UASG, Sofiya, 1999 g. ( [4] Банков Б., Павлова Ю., „Метод на крайните елементи в строителната механика“, УАСГ, София, 1999 г. ) |