Scientific paper ID 2441 : 2023/3
Galina Cherneva, Hristina Spiridonova,Martina Tomcheva The optimal operation of photovoltaic panels strongly depends on the environmental conditions - intensity of sunlight and temperature. Climatic conditions have a strong influence on the electrical characteristics of the panel - current, voltage, output power, volt-ampere characteristic. When designing photovoltaic plants, it is necessary to evaluate in advance their change under real conditions different from the standard test conditions for the panel. This s adequate modeling of the photovoltaic module with the possibility of studying under reduced solar radiation.
The laboratory bench for the study of an autonomous photovoltaic system, developed in the Department of ”Electrical Engineering and Physics” at VTU ”T. Kableshkov”. In the present work, a simulation model of the photovoltaic panel in the Matlab/Simulink environment, used for the bench, is reworked to simulate its operation in shading conditions. The volt-ampere and power characteristics of the panel at reduced intensity of sunlight were obtained, which can be compared with the actual measurements. фотоволтаичен панел засенчване Matlab/Simulink моделиранеphotovoltaic module shading analysis by Matlab/Simulink modelGalina Cherneva Hristina SpiridonovaMartina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Minev E. Slanchevata energetika za horata ot 21 vek. Heliopol, 2021 ( [1] Минев Е. Слънчевата енергетика за хората от 21 век. Хелиопол, 2021 ) [2] Dechev D. Slanchevite kolektori i sistemi. Tehnika, 2009 ( [2] Дечев Д. Слънчевите колектори и системи. Техника, 2009 ) [3] Krauter S.,Solar electric power generation-photovoltaic energy systems, Springer, New York 74, 2006. [4] Pachamanov, B. Boychev, D. Pavlov, K. Georgiev, K. Kassev, “Photovoltaic roof systems for educational buildings”, 2nd Balkan Junior Conference on Lighting, Balkan Light Junior, 2019, ISBN: 978-172812098-0, DOI: 10.1109/BLJ.2019.8883606 [5] Chervenkov А., A. Yanev, T. Chervenkova, “Performance analysis and modelling of gridconnected small photovoltaic system”, 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems – ELMA, 6 – 8 June 2019, ISBN: 978-172811413-2, DOI: 10.1109/ELMA.2019.8771501 [6] Obukhov S.G., Plotnikov I.A. Simulation model of operation of autonomous photovoltaic plant under actual operating conditions // Bull. Tomsk Polytech. Univ. Geo Assets Eng. 2017. |