Scientific paper ID 2436 : 2023/3
Atanas Nikolov, Vasil Dimitrov The paper presents the different schemes for the propulsion of electric vehicles, which at first were most often based on the traction schemes of cars with an internal combustion engine. With electric cars, due to the more compact and unpretentious electric motor, there is also the possibility of more convenient and efficient driving schemes, including the prospective individual drive through separate motor-wheels. The design features, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed of different placements of one or more electric motors and drive to the front, rear, or all four wheels. The volume of passenger and luggage space and its location depends on the drive scheme. The mass of the electric car and its distribution both vertically and horizontally between the front and rear wheels also depends on the drive scheme, which affects the stability during movement. The load on the driving wheels and their traction with the road determine the support-traction passability (patency), the ability to overcome the maximum slope when climbing, for intensive acceleration and for regeneration during intensive braking. When using a motor-wheels, in addition to other advantages, there is also an opportunity to improve the profile patency due to the removal of the mechanical transmission system under the floor of the electric car.
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