Scientific paper ID 2435 : 2023/3
Vasil Dimitrov, Martin Getov The Sofia underground is the main transport artery of public urban transport in the city of Sofia. On 28.01.1998, a section of the first diameter with 5 metro stations and a length of 6.5 km, from ”Slivnitsa” Blvd. through ”Lyulin” district next to ”K. Velichkov” Blvd., was put into operation. On 17.09.1999, the ”Oplchenska” metro station was put into operation, and on 3110.2000 - metro station ”Serdika” on ”St. Nedelya” square. Then the total length of the route of the first metro radius is 8.1 km. with 7 metro stations.
The control of the objects and devices in each traction substation is carried out by the Central Dispatch Center (CDC). The system for control needs to be of high reliability due to the importance of the controlled equipment. The automated management of complex dynamic processes with increased ments in terms of safety and reliability is carried out through a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA). This paper examines the reasons that led to the need to upgrade the Sitras DPU96 PU (Siemens) relay protection of the switchgear system 825V in the ”Serdika” traction substation. The technical solution for the elimination of problems and the implementation of the necessary control equipment of the latest generation Sitras MDC (Siemens) is indicated. The advantages and possibilities for implementing new functions are analyzed. тягова понизителна станция (ТПС) релейна защита Sitras SCADAtraction substation relay protection Sitras SCADAVasil Dimitrov Martin Getov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Goranov E., E. Dimitrova, Sistemi za distantsionen kontrol i upravlenie v transporta, Sofiya, 2010 ( [1] Горанов Е., Е. Димитрова, Системи за дистанционен контрол и управление в транспорта, София, 2010 ) [2] Dimitrova E., Upravlenie i kontrol na prostranstveno razsredotocheni obekti v transporta i energetikata, Monografiya, Godishnik na VTU „Todor Kableshkov”, br. 7, Sofiya, 2016 ( [2] Димитровa E., Управление и контрол на пространствено разсредоточени обекти в транспорта и енергетиката, Монография, Годишник на ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков”, бр. 7, София, 2016 ) [3] Savremenni SCADA sistemi (engineering-review.bg), br. 5/2017 ( [3] Съвременни SCADA системи (engineering-review.bg), бр. 5/2017 ) [4] Dimitrova E., Sintez na sistemi za monitoring i upravlenie na slozhni tehnicheski obekti s tsel osiguryavane na maksimalna efektivnost, Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, statiya № 1030, tom 12, br.3/2, str. XI-75 – XI-80, 2014 ( [4] Димитровa E., Синтез на системи за мониторинг и управление на сложни технически обекти с цел осигуряване на максимална ефективност, Научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, статия № 1030, том 12, бр.3/2, стр. XI-75 – XI-80, 2014 ) [5] https://www.mobility.siemens.com/global/en/... |