Scientific paper ID 2423 : 2023/3
Ilko Tarpov As an important necessity in our daily life, the urban transport service is constantly looking for new technical and organizational solutions for its improvement. For this reason, many of the technical innovations are applied precisely in transport, which is why it can be said that it is the carrier of progress.
For years, there has been a tendency to decrease the demand for the ”city transport” service in megacities all over the world. This trend has been reinforced during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily due to both the reduced needs for travel to and from work and the increased demands of passengers on the operators of these services. Nowadays, the transportation service should not be considered only and only as an opportunity to get around. It should offer comfort, speed and rationality. Future trends must be sought in the different needs of transport and in the constantly growing demands of consumers. The main advantage of public transport is its mass, and precisely for this reason it is difficult for it to meet all the demands of its users. There is a trend towards specialization of urban transport for certain needs of people. The report presents the interaction between transport service ments and the full life cycle of a transport activity through a transport service quality spiral. Транспортни концепции градове на бъдещето интермодалност пътници железопътен транспортTransport concepts cities of the future intermodality passengers rail transportIlko Tarpov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Kachaunov T., V. Stamenov, Gradski patnicheski transport, VVTU „T. Kableshkov“, Sofiya, 1994 ( [1] Качаунов Т., В. Стаменов, Градски пътнически транспорт, ВВТУ „Т. Каблешков“, София, 1994 ) [2] Ivanov M., D. Dimitrov, Mnogokriterialen podhod za reshavane na zadachi ot transporten tip, osnovavasht se na razmiti otsenki, sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, br.3/1, tom 13, str. 76-81, statiya №1155, ISSN 1312-3823, 2015 ( [2] Иванов М., Д. Димитров, Многокритериален подход за решаване на задачи от транспортен тип, основаващ се на размити оценки, сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, бр.3/1, том 13, стр. 76-81, статия №1155, ISSN 1312-3823, 2015 ) [3] https://www.bahn.de/angebot/regio/deutschla... |