Scientific paper ID 2416 : 2023/3
Emil Kostadinov, Nencho Nenov Historically, the use of rubber as an engineering material is reviewed. A detailed literature review and analysis of the research conducted over the years on its dynamic properties and the methods for testing these properties based on various models, including virtual instruments, have been made. An algorithm of the development process of metal-rubber springs (MRP) is presented and analyzed. On the basis of the classic knowledge of Resistance of materials, a model and calculation expressions and procedures for calculating metal-rubber springs are presented. The damping properties, non-linear nature and relaxation phenomena (rubber creep) under the influence of temperature, speed and degree of deformation of the element were analyzed. Appropriate geometric and other parametric relationships in the construction of the GMP are justified. Product profiles are defined by defining
подвижен железопътен състав метало-гумени пружини еластомери каучукrolling stock metal-rubber springs elastomers rubber.Emil Kostadinov Nencho Nenov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Mooney M. A theory of large elastic deformation. Journal of applied physics. 1940. [2] James HM, Guth E. Theory of the elastic properties of rubber. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1943. [3] Treloar L. The elasticity of a network of long-chain molecules-II. Transactions of the Faraday Society. 1943. [4] Treloar L. Stress-strain data for vulcanised rubber under various types of deformation. Transactions of the Faraday Society. 1944. [5] Rivlin R. Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials. IV. Further developments of the general theory. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 1948. [6] Isihara A, Hashitsume N, Tatibana M. Statistical Theory of Rubber‐Like Elasticity. IV.(Two‐Dimensional Stretching). The Journal of Chemical Physics. 1951. [7] Rivlin RS, Saunders D. Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials. VII. Experiments on the deformation of rubber. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. 1951. [8] Payne AR. The dynamic properties of carbon black‐loaded natural rubber vulcanizates. Part I. Journal of applied polymer science. 1962. [9] Stambaugh, R. B. Vibration properties of rubberlike materials. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry.1942. [10] Snowdon JC. The choice of resilient materials for anti-vibration mountings. British Journal of Applied Physics. 1958. [11] Snowdon JC. Vibration and shock in damped mechanical systems: J. Wiley, 1968. [12] Snowdon JC. Vibration isolation: use and characterization. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1979. [13] https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2... [14] Olsson AK. Finite element procedures in modelling the dynamic properties of rubber: Lund University, 2007. [15] Bergström J, Boyce M. Constitutive modeling of the large strain time-dependent behavior of elastomers. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 1998. [16] Tomita Y, Azuma K, Naito M. Computational evaluation of strain-rate-dependent deformation behavior of rubber and carbon-black-filled rubber under monotonic and cyclic straining. International JMS 2008. [17] Ciambella J, Paolone A, Vidoli S. A comparison of nonlinear integral-based viscoelastic models through compression tests on filled rubber. Mechanics of Materials. 2010. [18] Gracia LA, Liarte E, Pelegay JL, Calvo B. Finite element simulation of the hysteretic behaviour of an industrial rubber. Application to design of rubber components. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2010. [19] Pešek L, Pust L, Šulc P. FEM Modeling of Thermo-Mechanical Interaction in Pre-Pressed Rubber Block. Engineering Mechanics. 2007. [20] Johnson AR, Chen T-K. Approximating thermo-viscoelastic heating of largely strained solid rubber components. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2005. [21] Luo RK, Wu WX, Mortel WJ. A Method to Predict the Heat Generation in a Rubber Spring Used in the Railway Industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 2005. [22] Gent AN. Engineering with rubber: how to design rubber components: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH, 2012. [23] Ngolemasango FE, Bennett M, Clarke J. Degradation and life prediction of a natural rubber engine mount compound. Journal of applied polymer science. 2008. [24] Banić M., Methodological approach to the development of rubber-metal springs, dissertation, Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, 2015. [25] Rančić V. Projektovanje gumene opruge primarnog ogibljenja lokomotive serije 441 (461) JŽ: Univerzitet u Beogradu, 1997. [26] Albers A. Integrierte Produktentwicklung. Karlsruhe, Germany: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2013. [27] Miltenović V. Mašinski elementi: oblici, proračun, primena: Mašinski fakultet, 2009. [28] Frankovich D. The Basics of Vibration Isolation Using Elastomeric Materials. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA: Aearo Company E-A-R Specialty Composites 2009. [29] Stamenković D, M. Banic, Teorijsko i eksperimentalno istraživanje ogibljenja železničkih vozila. In: Stamenković D, editor.: Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Nišu, 2010. [30] Lindley PB, Fuller KNG, Muhr AH, Malaysian Rubber Producers` Research A. Engineering design with natural rubber: Malaysian Rubber Producers` Research Association, 1984. [31] Albers A. Innovation Management. Karlsruhe, Germany: IPEK - Institute of Product Development, 2006. [32] EN 13913 [33] UIC kod 526-1 ( [33] UIC код 526-1 ) [34] UIC kod 827-1 ( [34] UIC код 827-1 ) |