Scientific paper ID 2413 : 2023/3
Zorica Milanović, Goran Tričković, Dušan Vujović, Marko Bursać, Miloš Milanović Faced with the challenges of the modern rail industry, the railway education process has to move from being basically theoretical toward in-depth railway knowledge combined with applied skills. Taking the steps from traditional ex-cathedra knowledge transfer toward audio-visual and virtual reality-based learning in labs and on-site learning opens up a variety of significant benefits to students, educational institutions, and railway undertakings. This paper gives an overview of the path that railway education in the Republic of Serbia has passed and summarizes the challenges that rail education is facing by the need to respond to the growing demand for railway specialists. Furthermore, opportunities and constraints for an effective and efficient learning system are underlined.
railway education applied skills educational institution learningrailway education applied skills educational institution learningZorica Milanović Goran Tričković Dušan Vujović Marko Bursać Miloš Milanović BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Cvrcek, T., & Zajicek, M., (2019) ”The rise of public schooling in nineteenth-century Imperial Austria: Who gained and who paid?”, Cliometrica (2019) 13: 367-403, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11698-018-0180-6 [2] Goldin, C., & Katz, L, (2008) ”The race between education and technology”. Harvard University Press, Cambridge [3] ”Tuning Transatlantic Cooperation in Rail Higher Education” - Handbook for Rail Higher Education, TUNRail, November 2011, https://dl.icdst.org/pdfs/files/118932f25ed... [4] Istorija srpskih železnica, https://www.zeleznicesrbije.com/istorijat/ ... [5] Iz istorije Mašinskog fakulteta, https://www.mas.bg.ac.rs/fakultet/istorija ... [6] 70 godina Saobraćajnog fakulteta, https://www.sf.bg.ac.rs/index/sr-rs/2016-03... [7] O Školi, https://www.vzs.edu.rs/vzs/oskoli.html [8] Konkurs za upis učenika u prvi razred srednje škole u Republici Srbiji za školsku 2023/2024. godinu, za škole čiji je osnivač Republika Srbija, Autonomna pokrajina ili jedinica lokalne samouprave, https://prosveta.gov.rs/wp-content/uploads/... [9] Emerging Technologies That Will Reshape Education in 2023, https://axiomq.com/blog/7-emerging-technolo... |