Научный доклад ID 2408 : 2023/3
Dragan Petrović, Milan Bižić The constant increase in the speed of transport and the constant tendency to optimize and reduce transport costs conditioning that the reliability of technical systems becomes one of the key ments. Failures of such systems can cause very serious consequences for the environment, safety and health of people, and therefore it is very important to pay special attention to the efficiency of their functioning. One of such systems is the railway, which is among the most complex technical and technological systems. The basic ments for railways are to be reliable, efficient and cost-effective compared to the other modes of transport. Railway failures do not happen often, but when they happen, the consequences are derailments followed by extensive material damage and loss of human life. In addition, there are large economic losses due to downtime and repair of railway infrastructure. One of the frequent causes of derailments is malfunction of axle-bearings of railway vehicles, which is manifested by an increasing in their temperature. In this sense, this paper presents the development of a new method of temperature detection in the axle-bearings of railway vehicles.
Temperature Measuring Axle-bearings Railway VehiclesTemperature Measuring Axle-bearings Railway VehiclesDragan Petrović Milan Bižić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Eror S., Organization of railway traffic, Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, 1988, in Serbian. [2] Rakanović R., Petrović D., Šoškić Z., Simović T., Testing of mechanical structures, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 2006, in Serbian. [3] Stamenković D., Maintenance of railway vehicles, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš, Niš, 2011, in Serbian. [4] Petrović D, Aleksandrov V., Railway Vehicles – Basics, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 2013, in Serbian. [5] Ralev V. Investigation of the occurrence of failures in the axle box and primary spring suspension of passenger bogies, XI International Conference “Heavy Machinery-HM 2023”, Vrnjačka Banja, 21– 24 June 2023 [6] Atmadzhova D., On the method of determining safety criteria against rolling stock derailment, International scientific conference ‘’Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development – SED 2019’’, Drvengrad, Serbia, May 24-25, 2019, College of Applied Sciences Užice, 2019. [7] Atmadzhova D., Experimental determination of the “wheel-rail” contact forces of railway vehicles, Annual University Scientific Conference 27-28 May 2019, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Turnovo, 2019. [8] Nenov N., Dimitrov E., Vasilev V., Nikolov V., Examination of the Signal Recorded by Micro Sensor System for Detecting Damages on Rail Vehicle Undercarriage, 35th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ”Power Electronics”, May 9-13, 2012, Bad Aussee, Austria, 2012. [9] Atmadzhova D., Sensor for Measuring Horizontal Lateral Force of Railway Vehicle Wheelsets, Annual University Scientific Conference 27-28 May 2019, “Vasil Levski” National Military University, Veliko Turnovo, 2019. [10] Job R., Railway bearings: an investigation of causes of hot boxes in railway service, and methods for their prevention, Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 149, Issue 6, pp. 439–448, IN1, IN3, 449–450, 2003. [11] Gerdun V., Sedmak T., Sinkovec V., Kovse I., Cene B., Failures of bearings and axles in railway freight wagons, Engineering Failure Analysis, 14, pp. 884–894, 2007. [12] Schöbel A., Pisek M., Karner J., Hot box detection systems as a part of automated train observation in Austria, http://publik.tuwien.ac.at/files/pub-bi_591... [13] Bepperling S.L., Schöbel A., Estimation of Safety ments for Wayside Hot Box Detection Systems, FORMS/FORMAT 2010, Part 2, pp. 135-143, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14261-1_14, 2011. [14] Hot box and hot wheel detections system, Phoenix MB, voestalpine, http://www.voestalpine.com/vae/en.html [15] Bižić M., Tomić M., Đinović Z., Petrović D., Detection of failures of axle-bearings of railway vehicles, Tehnika 71(5), pp. 702-709, doi:10.5937/tehnika1605702B, 2016. in Serbian. [16] UIC 518, Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic behavior - Safety - Track fatigue - Running behavior. [17] Report 11/04, Testing of reconstructed three-axle double-decker wagon DDam for transporting passenger cars, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kraljevo, Kraljevo, 2004, in Serbian. |