Scientific paper ID 2405 : 2023/3
Diana Borimechkova The article discusses the organization of the Russian language learning process in the Bulgarian military education system. From a diachronic perspective, it summarizes the main stages of Russian language education in Bulgarian higher military institutions as influenced by specific geopolitical factors. The article presents the current state of Russian language education in the military sphere, outlines the main trends and methodological principles. The specificity of the trained audience, as well as the objectives and tasks of training, determine the application of a specific methodology that combines techniques from the communicative approach, principles of adult education, comparative and interactive methods, and elements of teaching a foreign language for special purposes. Russian language training is activity-oriented and aims to acquire linguistic and intercultural competence, while also including preparation for a professionally-oriented certification exam according to the NATO Standardization Agreement STANAG 6001. Guidelines for the development of Russian language training in the military sphere are outlined based on an analysis of the needs of our armed forces in the context of current challenges.
обучение по руски език въоръжени сили методически принципи специфика на чуждоезиковото обучение във военната сфера тенденцииteaching Russian armed forces; methodological principles specifics and tendencies of military language education Diana Borimechkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Andreychin L., Iz istoriyata na nasheto ezikovo stroitelstvo, Sofiya, 1986 ( [1] Андрейчин Л., Из историята на нашето езиково строителство, София, 1986 ) [2] Georgieva V. i dr., 70 godini katedra „Ezikovo obuchenie“, VA „G. S. Rakovski“, Sofiya, 2021 ( [2] Георгиева В. и др., 70 години катедра „Езиково обучение“, ВА „Г. С. Раковски“, София, 2021 ) [3] Nikolov S. Balgarskata konnitsa 1878-1912 g., VA „G. S. Rakovski“, Sofiya, 2021 ( [3] Николов С. Българската конница 1878-1912 г., ВА „Г. С. Раковски“, София, 2021 ) [4] Popov K. Tipichnyye dlya bolgar trudnosti v russkom yazyke, Sofiya, 1974 ( [4] Попов К. Типичные для болгар трудности в русском языке, София, 1974 ) [5] Spetsifikatsii na izpita za opredelyane nivoto na vladeene na ruski ezik za Ministerstvoto na otbranata na Republika Balgariya v saotvetstvie sas standartizatsionno sporazumenie na NATO STANAG 6001 (vtoro redaktirano izdanie): https://www.mod.bg/bg/doc/zapovedi/2020/202... ( [5] Спецификации на изпита за определяне нивото на владеене на руски език за Министерството на отбраната на Република България в съответствие със стандартизационно споразумение на НАТО STANAG 6001 (второ редактирано издание): https://www.mod.bg/bg/doc/zapovedi/2020/202... ) [6] Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment – Companion volume, Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 2020. [7] Knowles, M. et al. Andragogy in Action. Applying Modern Principles of Adult Education, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1984. [8] NATO. ALingP-1 Linguistic Support for Operations, 2011 |