Scientific paper ID 2404 : 2023/3
Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova The current paper represents a continuation of a previous study written by the author and devoted to investigating the presumed university students’ research advantages in terms of English for General Purposes (EGP) and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching, with respect to learners’ language awareness (LA) and autonomy (LrA) improvement. The article describes an EGP university students’ research experiment, developed and conducted by the author, at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport, Bulgaria, in the objective of checking the hypothesis of student research positive impact on LA and LrA. Author-guided student exploration was performed within the framework of the English article system with the purpose to determine articles values and uses. To more completely elucidate researched matters, some contrasts were established in terms of the examined English category Bulgarian equivalents, mainly through carried out author-supervised educational purpose translation. The experiment consisted of two central tasks, the first one, related to exploring recommended practical grammar sources and extracting fundamentals as to English articles essence, and the second one, directed at analyzing an exemplifying text in English concerning researched category functioning, and, then, translating the text to Bulgarian. Students were asked to complete a 16-item questionnaire regarding learner research influence on LA and LrA. Survey findings are presented and conclusions are mainly made as to carried out student research influence on experiment participants’ LA and LrA enhancement.
студентска изследователска дейност езикова осъзнатост автономност на обучаемите система на членните форми в английския езикuniversity student research language awareness learner autonomy the English article systemBoryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., EFL University Learners as Researchers: Teaching Process Advantages, НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА УНСС (1), ИК – УНСС, 2023, pp. 155-164 [2] Vahdany F. et al., A Closer Look at Learners’ Use of Definite and Indefinite Articles, MJLTM 5(2), 2015, pp. 337-346 [3] Miller J., Most of ESL students have trouble with the articles, International Education Journal, ERC2004 Special Issue, 5(5), 2005, pp. 80-88, p. 80 [4] Master P., Teaching the English Articles as a Binary System, TESOL QUARTERLY 24(3), 1990, pp. 461-478, pp. 461, 465 [5] Young R., Form-function Relations in Articles in English Interlanguage, Bayley R. & Preston P. R. (Eds), Second language acquisition and linguistic variation, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 1996, pp. 135-175, p. 135 [6] Sinclair J. M. (ed), Corpus, concordance, collocation, Oxford, OUP, 1991 [7] Master P., The English Article System: Acquisition, Function, and Pedagogy, System 25(2), 1997, pp. 215-232, p. 221 [8] Grammarly, What Are Articles in Grammar? Definition and Examples, 2022, Articles: A Complete Grammar Guide | Grammarly [9] Lingolia English, Articles in English Grammar, Articles in English Grammar (lingolia.com) [10] Testbook, Articles in English Grammar: Definite & Indefinite, Rules of Use with Examples, 2013, What are Articles in English Grammar: Definition, Usage, Types (testbook.com) [11] Nordquist R., Articles in Grammar: From ”A” to ”The” With ”An” and ”Some” Between, ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/what-is-article-grammar-1689136, Articles in Grammar: From ”A” to ”The” With ”An” and ”Some” Between (thoughtco.com) [12] Soars L. & Soars J., New Headway Intermediate, Student’s Book, 4th ed., Oxford, OUP, 2009, p. 82 [13] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Project Work in ESP University Teaching and Language Awareness Enhancement: A Case Study, NEW TRENDS IN TEACHING ENGLISH, Proceedings from the 29th Annual International BETA Conference 2022 held in conjunction with OPTIMA and the UNIVERSITY of LIBRARY STUDIES and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Sofia, Academic Publisher “Za bukvite – O pismeneh”, 2022, pp. 52-65 [14] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., EFL Learner Autonomy and Language Awareness Connection among University Students, BETA E - Newsletter 42, 2019, pp. 18-38 |