Scientific paper ID 2395 : 2023/3
Ivailo Atanasov, Veselin Grozdanov Transport plays an increasingly important role in the economic and social development of individual countries or regions. Supply chains are changing at an ever faster pace and new technologies are being implemented. Environmental protection is constantly put in the foreground, and the last 2 decades have been leading the way for the development of the transport infrastructure. According to the ”European Intermodal Agency”, intermodal freight transport is increasingly used in European countries, but still remains with an unsatisfactory share in the total transport activity. The article is mainly devoted to the construction and implementation of an intermodal terminal for Ro-La transportation near the city of Dragoman. Its construction is part of the strategy of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications (MTITS) for the implementation of infrastructure projects that will allow to increase the competitiveness of railway transport. It is designed to be accessed from Dragoman station. It s three tracks with a length of up to 300 m, two of which are connected on both sides. The technology envisages that the freight cars will be loaded onto the train platforms under their own motion with the help of four mobile platforms, after which they will be transported by rail to Svilengrad. Although it was completed at the end of 2010, the terminal near Dragoman did not become operational. The technology has lost much of its efficiency and shippers have largely turned to using containers.
Ro-La интермодален терминал Драгоман придружавани превози на автомобилни ремаркета.Ro-La intermodal terminal Dragoman escorted transportation of car trailers.Ivailo Atanasov Veselin Grozdanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] http://www.jptactis.com/article?src=compile... [2] Ekologichna efektivnost ot realizatsiyata na RO-LA prevozi. sp.”Mehanika, transport i komunikatsii” VTU ”Todor Kableshkov” 2011 g., ( [2] Екологична ефективност от реализацията на RO-LA превози. сп.”Механика, транспорт и комуникации” ВТУ ”Тодор Каблешков” 2011 г., ) [3] https://www.railcargo.com/en/services/rolli... [4] Natsionalen plan za razvitie na kombiniraniya transport v Republika Balgariya do 2030 godina, ( [4] Национален план за развитие на комбинирания транспорт в Република България до 2030 година, ) [5] Investitsionno predlozhenie za „Modernizatsiya na zhelezopaten uchastak Dragoman – granitsa s Republika Sarbiya“, ( [5] Инвестиционно предложение за „Модернизация на железопътен участък Драгоман – граница с Република Сърбия“, ) [6] https://www.parlament.ch, [7] https://pearl-rail.com/category/news/. |