Scientific paper ID 2392 : 2023/3
Antoaneta Angelova-Stanimirova Businesses in today`s dynamic environment face continuous competition. On this basis, the need arises to use qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure results. Businesses` application of technology, and digital tools in particular, is vital to their success. The report`s purpose is to present the current application of digital tools in the financial control of Bulgarian enterprises. In the report, the author clarifies the concepts of ”financial control” and ”digitalization”, presents and analyzes data on the application of digital tools in Bulgaria, and makes recommendations for future research. Financial control is associated with managing processes, operations and activities for generating income and expenses in organizations. Accelerated digitization and the application of information systems is a trend that continues to develop to improve and facilitate organizational processes. On the one hand, Bulgarian practice has realized the need for digitization and the possibilities for increasing efficiency and competitiveness. On the other hand, the data shows that this is relative to larger enterprises. The main recommendation for future research is to conduct an empirical study on the financial results of Bulgarian organizations due to the application of digital tools.
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