Scientific paper ID 2391 : 2023/3

Magdalena Petrova-Kirova

The crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent war in Ukraine, had a large negative influence on the economic activity globally hampering production and reducing consumption associated with lower household purchasing power. As a result of this, international trade decreased and the functioning of global value chains was severely disrupted, and uncertainty in global financial markets increased. At the end of 2021, inflation levels in the Eurozone reached around 5% and by December 31, 2022- it rose to record values of over 10%. In order to reduce and in the long term maintain inflation at a level of 2%, the European Central Bank, in accordance with the monetary policy it conducts, increased the levels of interest rates, thus, raising the European index EURIBOR as an instrument for market regulation. What is the state of the leasing market and, respectively what is the impact it has on the financial condition of transport enterprises in Bulgaria are questions that are sought to be answered in this paper.

лизингов пазар лизингови дружества транспортни предприятия финансово състояниеleasing market leasing companies transport enterprises financial positionMagdalena Petrova-Kirova


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[7] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, dostapen onlayn na: ,
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[9] Targovski registar, dostapen onlayn na: ,
( [9] Търговски регистър, достъпен онлайн на: , )

[10] Petrova-Kirova, M., V. Yosifova, INFLUENCE OF INTEREST ALTERATIONS ON THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS COMPANIES, Trakya University, 1st International Logistics Symposium, Edirne, March 2023,

[11] The European Money Markets Institute, online: ,




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