Scientific paper ID 2390 : 2023/3
Orlin Iliev Kolev When it is necessary to perform an analysis of the assets of an enterprise for a long period of time (for example, 20-25 years), a problem arises regarding their interpretation in terms of their real market value compared over time. This conditional difficulty arises from a number of factors that unmentionably arise in an economy during a considered extended period of time, such as inflation, denomination of the Bulgarian lev, sharp changes in exchange rates, currency board regime, etc. The main objective of this scientific report is to present an author`s model for the valuation of assets by means of a monetary measure over a long period of time and thus to make comparable the value of assets (respectively enterprises including in the field of transport) over the considered time lag. The development is based on the Bulgarian market and considers the specifics of this market, but it can be relatively easily applied in other countries, taking into account their micro and macro indicators and specifics. The methodology of the model is based on statistical data and information to make a comparative analysis and research and to derive a price as close as possible to the credible market price. For the implementation of the asset valuation model using a monetary meter, data from the real estate market in the city of Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria is considered and extracted over a long period of time. As a universal monetary measure it is adopted by the author to be approved by means of investment gold. In world practice, it is accepted that investment gold has proven itself and established itself as a form of universal measure for protection and preservation of the purchase value of the monetary resource in a long-term period of time. A variant of 25 years (from 1998 to 2023) was considered as a research period. Statistical information on the Bulgarian real estate market in the city of Sofia is used for the model. In conclusion, the results of the model are presented, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.
инвестиционно злато универсален паричен измерител недвижими имоти дълъг период от времеinvestment gold universal money meter real estate long time periodOrlin Iliev Kolev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Informatsionna platforma za nedvizhimi imoti, sektsiya „Sredni tseni“ , data na dostap 26 yuli 2023g., ( [1] Информационна платформа за недвижими имоти, секция „Средни цени“ , дата на достъп 26 юли 2023г., ) [2] Sayt na Balgarska narodna banka, sektsiya „Statistika“, razdel „Valutni kursove“, podrazdel „Kursove na balgarskiya lev kam otdelnite chuzhdestranni valuti i tsena na zlatoto“ , data na dostap 28 yuli 2023g., ( [2] Сайт на Българска народна банка, секция „Статистика“, раздел „Валутни курсове“, подраздел „Курсове на българския лев към отделните чуждестранни валути и цена на златото“ , дата на достъп 28 юли 2023г., ) [3] Sayt na Balgarska narodna banka, sektsiya „Statistika“, razdel „Valutni kursove“, podrazdel „Fiksirani valutni kursove“ , data na dostap 28 yuli 2023g., ( [3] Сайт на Българска народна банка, секция „Статистика“, раздел „Валутни курсове“, подраздел „Фиксирани валутни курсове“ , дата на достъп 28 юли 2023г., ) [4] Mezhdunaroden standart za finansovo otchitane (MSFO) 13 Otsenyavane po spravedliva stoynost, ( [4] Международен стандарт за финансово отчитане (МСФО) 13 Оценяване по справедлива стойност, ) [5] Yosifova, D. „Otchitane na obligatsionni zaemi i amortiziraneto na emisionna premiya i otbiv pri predpriyatieto-emitent“, sp. Schetovodna politika, br. 7-8 (s.47-55) i br. 9-10 (s.40-50), 2012, ISSN - 1312-2142, ( [5] Йосифова, Д. „Отчитане на облигационни заеми и амортизирането на емисионна премия и отбив при предприятието-емитент“, сп. Счетоводна политика, бр. 7-8 (с.47-55) и бр. 9-10 (с.40-50), 2012, ISSN - 1312-2142, ) [6] Petrova-Kirova, M. „Lizing – vliyanie na promenite v MSFO 16 Lizing varhu predstavyaneto na predpriyatiya ot transportniya sektor“, nauchno spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“, tom 17, br. 3, (s. III-102 – III-1-9), 2019, ISSN 1312-3823. ( [6] Петрова-Кирова, М. „Лизинг – влияние на промените в МСФО 16 Лизинг върху представянето на предприятия от транспортния сектор“, научно списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“, том 17, бр. 3, (с. III-102 – III-1-9), 2019, ISSN 1312-3823. ) |