Scientific paper ID 2386 : 2023/3
Selçuk Duranlar Investments in transport infrastructure contribute directly to economic development by reducing transport costs, intensifying transport activities and facilitating trade. Services provided by the transport infrastructure and increased mobility of goods and services are essential for the economy.
Railway transport has been carried out in a single integrated structure from the Republic until today. As of 1 May 2013, the State Railways of the Republic of Turkey, which manages railway transport in Turkey from a single source, was planned to be dismantled from its integrated structure and divided into many different units. The effect of the renewal of the legislation in Turkey on the railway is investigated. Turkey Railway Privatisation TransportTurkey Railway Privatisation TransportSelçuk Duranlar BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] DEMİRELLİ L., (2014). “2002 Sonrasında Türkiye’de Özelleştirme ve Demiryolu Hizmeti”, Mülkiye Dergisi, 38 (4), 41-85. [2] DURMUŞ, M., Kamu Ekonomisi (Kamu Harcamaları Ders Notları), Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara, 2008 [3] DPT, Demiryolu Araçları Sanayii Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu. Ankara: DPT Yayını, 2006: 5 [4] KANKAVİ, M. (2019), “Demir İpekyolu Çerçevesinde Türkiye Geçişi İçin En Uygun Güzergah Seçimi Çalışması” 8. Ulusal Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Kongresi. Niğde. [5] KIKERI, S., J. NELLIS ve M. SHIRLEY (1992), Privatization The Lessons of Experience, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. [6] KİLCİ, M. (1994), Başlangıcından Bugüne Türkiye’de Özelleştirme Uygulamaları (1984-1994), DPT Yıllık Programlar ve Konjonktür Değerlendirme Genel Müdürlüğü, http://ekutup.dpt.gov.tr/kit/kilcim/ozelles... [7] NESTOR, S. ve L. MAHBOOBI (2000), “Privatisation of Public Utilities: The OECD Experience” S. Nestor ve L. Mahboobi (der.), Privatisation, Competition and Regulation, OECD, Paris, s. 13-49 [8] NEWBERY, D. M. (1999), Privatization, Restructuring and Regulation of Network Utilities, The Walras-Pareto Lectures, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts ve London, England [9] PARKER, D. (1998), “Introduction” and “Privatisation in the European Union: An overview”, D. Parker (der.), Privatisation in The European Union Theory and Policy Perspectives, Routledge, London and Newyork, s. 1-48. [10] TÜMENBATUR A., (2021), “Orta Koridor Üzerindeki Demir İpekyolu Güzergâhı ve Lojistik Merkez Yer Seçimi” Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 30, Sayı 3, 2021, Sayfa 102-110 [11] UĞUR A., “Demiryolu Sektöründe Dünya Gelişme Beklentileri ve Türkiye’nin Durumunun Araştırılması”, The Journal of Operations Research, Statistics, Econometrics and [12] Management Information Systems, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2019 [13] TCDD Demiryolu Sektör Raporu 2021, Mayıs 2022 [14] TCDD, Demiryolu Sektör Raporu 2012 |