Scientific paper ID 2384 : 2023/3
Evgeny Safonov, Sergey Kirsanov, Galina Palamarenko Currently, in many large cities of the world there is a problem of the development of the transport system. Timely and balanced development of the transport system is an integral part of the development of any metropolis, allowing the operation of all modes of transport in order to maximize the satisfaction of transport needs at minimal cost.
The main innovation of the smart city in relation to transport is the creation of a pedestrian-centric city and the desire to reduce the use of private transport to a minimum. It is proposed to lay the basis for the development of the transport system of any metropolis by increasing the percentage of people traveling by public transport by improving the quality of transportation and their safety. There are different approaches to the organization of traffic. The traditional one is associated with ensuring a wide increase in the capacity of the road network for cars and maintaining sustainable traffic. The innovative method differs as follows: it is based on increasing the capacity for pedestrians, cars, public transport users, cyclists, regulating transport demand, reducing traffic volumes, creating a clear hierarchy of the road network and traffic calming zones. There is a need for integrated planning of all aspects of the transport system, increased capacity of the road network, investment in public transport infrastructure, effective economic policies, an efficient public transport system, improvement of intelligent transport systems, etc. The article deals with the issues of transport management in the largest metropolitan areas of the world London, Seoul and Singapore. умный город интеллектуальная транспортная системаsmart city intelligent transport systemEvgeny Safonov Sergey Kirsanov Galina Palamarenko BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Prostranstvo goroda dlya cheloveka. Issledovanie urovnya i dinamiki gradostroitelnogo razvitiya krupneyshih megapolisov mira // PwC. 2018. Rezhim dostupa: https://www.pwc.ru/ru/publications/city–spa... (Data obrashteniya: 04.07.2023) ( [1] Пространство города для человека. Исследование уровня и динамики градостроительного развития крупнейших мегаполисов мира // PwC. 2018. Режим доступа: https://www.pwc.ru/ru/publications/city–spa... (Дата обращения: 04.07.2023) ) [2] Smarter London Together. The Mayor’s roadmap to transform London into the smartest city in the world // 2018. Rezhim dostupa: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/fil... (Data obrashteniya: 09.07.2023) ( [2] Smarter London Together. The Mayor’s roadmap to transform London into the smartest city in the world // 2018. Режим доступа: https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/fil... (Дата обращения: 09.07.2023) ) [3] Knupfer Sh., Pokotilo V., Vottsel Dzh. Transportnyye sistemy 24 gorodov mira: sostavlyayushtie uspeha/ Rezhim dostupa: https://www.mckinsey.com/ru/~/media/McKinse... Functions/Sustainability/Our Insights/Elements of success Urban transportation systems of 24 global cities/Urban-transportation-systems_rus_e-version.ashx (Data obrashteniya: 10.07.2023) ( [3] Кнупфер Ш., Покотило В., Вотцель Дж. Транспортные системы 24 городов мира: составляющие успеха/ Режим доступа: https://www.mckinsey.com/ru/~/media/McKinse... Functions/Sustainability/Our Insights/Elements of success Urban transportation systems of 24 global cities/Urban-transportation-systems_rus_e-version.ashx (Дата обращения: 10.07.2023) ) [4] Povyshennaya plata za vaezd v tsentralnyy London stanet postoyannoy/ Rezhim dostupa: https://afisha.london/2021/08/02/povyshenna... (Data obrashteniya: 09.07.2023) ( [4] Повышенная плата за въезд в центральный Лондон станет постоянной/ Режим доступа: https://afisha.london/2021/08/02/povyshenna... (Дата обращения: 09.07.2023) ) [5] Obshtestvennyy transport v Singapure/ Rezhim dostupa: https://www.travel-sgp.ru/information/trans... (Data obrashteniya: 08.07.2023) ( [5] Общественный транспорт в Сингапуре/ Режим доступа: https://www.travel-sgp.ru/information/trans... (Дата обращения: 08.07.2023) ) |