Scientific paper ID 2382 : 2023/3
Antoaneta Kirova In transport networks, the term ”last mile” refers to the transport from a hub (airport, station or port) to the final destination, including receiving an order from a warehouse, store or designated point. It is the last and most important stage of the supply chain to the customer, related to ments such as ”just in time”. ”at the right place”, etc. At the same time, the term refers to the increase in costs for logistics operators related to providing transport capacity, environmental ments and the human factor.
The challenges and difficulties lead to the creation of new models in the ”last mile” type of service in land transport, which is fundamental in short-distance deliveries, with the application of new technologies that guarantee speed, flexibility, adequate solutions and full transparency. These technologies companies to implement the activities of bundling shipments, motivating customers to order multiple products at the same time and speeding up delivery processes, with the goal of satisfying customers. At the same time, the problem of reducing costs is no longer relevant only at the company level, but also concerns the external costs associated with efficient and ”green” transport activity. The paper deals with the challenges facing the ”last mile” of logistics deliveries, showing some of the opportunities to overcome them, thereby achieving an overall increase in the efficiency of logistics operations. „последна миля“ в логистиката нови технологии и модели усъвършенстване на логистичните вериги”last mile” in logistics new technologies and models improvement of logistics chainsAntoaneta Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balchandani, Anita, Poslednata milya se preformatira, onlayn spisanie Regal, str. 32-32, 2016 g., Regal.02.PRINT.pdf ( [1] Балчандани, Анита, Последната миля се преформатира, онлайн списание Regal, стр. 32-32, 2016 г., Regal.02.PRINT.pdf ) [2] Ivanova, Demetra, (Pyotr Rochnyak) Efektivnost v poslednata milya v logistikata, Logistika – 4.0, 14.12.2020, https://www.trans.eu/bg/blog/efektivnost-v-... ( [2] Иванова, Деметра, (Пьотр Рочняк) Ефективност в последната миля в логистиката, Логистика – 4.0, 14.12.2020, https://www.trans.eu/bg/blog/efektivnost-v-... ) [3] The famous “last mile” problem explained, Parcel delivery is still inefficient and online commerce is increasing the number of parcels exponentially, January 2021, https://morethandigital.info/en/the-famous-... i drugi, tsitirani v teksta ( [3] The famous “last mile” problem explained, Parcel delivery is still inefficient and online commerce is increasing the number of parcels exponentially, January 2021, https://morethandigital.info/en/the-famous-... и други, цитирани в текста ) |