Scientific paper ID 2377 : 2023/3

Ivanitza Boyadjieva

The safety, efficiency, and sustainability of the transport system are major factors for the economic and social prosperity of cities. The need to solve the environmental and health problems caused by road transport, as well as the high social and economic costs resulting from road traffic accidents, the safe and secure urban environment provision.

The sustainability transport model is related to reducing motor vehicles` dependence and increasing the share of active mobility. Making walking and cycling a preferred choice of transport s providing appropriate infrastructure and ensuring a high safety level while meeting the needs of different modes of transport and paying attention to the risk factors related to roads, vehicles, and users. Road safety, personal safety, security, access, and distance to services and amenities are some of the key factors that determine mobility choices.

Changing people`s transport behavior is a long-term process that s targeted efforts. Prioritizing the needs of pedestrians and cyclists in urban planning is crucial to the shift from dependence on private cars to an increased share of sustainable transport.

This article aims to examine how the security and safety urban environment influence the choice of an active mode of movement. There are presented the risk factors related to pedestrians` and cyclists` safety, as well as key measures and specific interventions to improve these vulnerable groups` safety.

активна мобилност ходене колоездене безопасност сигурност устойчивостactive mobility walking cycling safety security sustainabilityIvanitza Boyadjieva


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