Scientific paper ID 2375 : 2023/3
Irena Petrova The role and importance of children`s road safety education for current and future formation of a transport culture to reduce road transport accidents. The behavior of road users determines the number of accidents. Skills, perceptions and habits of responding to certain situations are built with training and practice. The role of educators, parents, police, society and the media is important for effective road safety education. The main goal of the training is for children to acquire knowledge and skills that will ensure their safe mobility in urban and non-urban areas, and this s better training of teachers and the creation of interactive educational aids and work materials.
The article also presents a brief overview of modern global good practices for the prevention of the risks of road accidents involving children. Безопасност на движението по пътищата; пътно-транспортни произшествия; транспортна култураRoad safety; traffic accidents; transport cultureIrena Petrova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] MON, „Sektorna strategiya za bezopasnost na dvizhenieto po patishtata (2021 – 2030)“, 2020 ( [1] МОН, „Секторна стратегия за безопасност на движението по пътищата (2021 – 2030)“, 2020 ) [2] MS, „Kontseptsiya za obuchenie po bezopasnost na dvizhenieto po patishtata“, 2020 ( [2] МС, „Концепция за обучение по безопасност на движението по пътищата“, 2020 ) [3] Oliver, M., Witten, K., Kearns, RA et al. Prouchvane na detsata v grada: dizayn i metodologiya na izsledvaneto. BMC Public Health 11 , 587 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-11-587 ( [3] Oliver, M., Witten, K., Kearns, RA et al. Проучване на децата в града: дизайн и методология на изследването. BMC Public Health 11 , 587 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-11-587 ) [4] Kraiss K. Advanced man-machine interaction (Fundamentals and implementation). Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, ISBN-10 3-540-30618-8. [5] Assailly P., “Road safety education: What works?”, Patient Education and Counseling, Volume 100, 2017, Pages S24-S29, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2015.10.017 [6] RSA, “Rules of the Road”, rules-of-the-road.pdf (rsa.ie) [7] MVR, Patna politsiya, https://www.mvr.bg/opp ( [7] МВР, Пътна полиция, https://www.mvr.bg/opp ) [8] НСИ, https://www.nsi.bg/bg [9] Steliyanov M., Lyubenov D, “Contemporary road safety consepts”, PROCEEDINGS OF UNIVERSITY OF RUSE - 2022, volume 61, book 4.3. WED-ONLINE-SSS-TMS-02 [10] Georgiev N., Velyova V., „Sashtnost, aktualni problemi i nasoki za razvitie na sigurnostta v transporta“, 2021, tom 19, broy 3, statiya № 2088, Nauchno spisanie Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii, ISSN 2367-6620 ( [10] Георгиев Н., Вельова В., „Същност, актуални проблеми и насоки за развитие на сигурността в транспорта“, 2021, том 19, брой 3, статия № 2088, Научно списание Механика Транспорт Комуникации, ISSN 2367-6620 ) |