Scientific paper ID 2372 : 2023/3
Dimitar Dimitrov, Krasimir Lalov Intelligent transport systems provide innovative ways to manage services and processes in rail transport, as well as to manage traffic. They enable users to be better informed and use these systems and networks in a safer, more coordinated and `smarter` way. The problems related to the construction and development of these intelligent information systems are indicated, and the main areas that should be worked on to improve their functionality are outlined. This article provides an overview and analysis of the types of intelligent systems that are used to manage rail transport, as well as the types of information services that are provided for passengers and freight.
Интелигентни системи за управление железопътен транспорт транспортни системи информационни системи.Intelligent management systems railway transport systems information systemsDimitar Dimitrov Krasimir Lalov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrov D., Petrova I., Prouchvane i analiz na razvitieto na transportnata infrastruktura v Balgariya i regiona, Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii“, ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online), tom 16, broy 3/1, st. № 1603, https://mtc-aj.com/library/1603.pdf, 2018 g. ( [1] Димитров Д., Петрова И., Проучване и анализ на развитието на транспортната инфраструктура в България и региона, Научно списание „Механика Транспорт Комуникации“, ISSN 1312-3823 (print), ISSN 2367-6620 (online), том 16, брой 3/1, ст. № 1603, https://mtc-aj.com/library/1603.pdf, 2018 г. ) [2] Zhihan Lv and Wenlong Shang, Impacts of , transportation systems on energy conservation and emission reduction of transport systems: A comprehensive revie, Sience Direct, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/artic... [3] Zulkarnain, Tsarina Dwi Putri, Intelligent transportation systems (ITS): A systematic review using a Natural Language Processing (NLP) approach https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/artic... [4] Williams Ackaah, Exploring the use of advanced traffic information system to manage traffic congestion in developing countries, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/artic... [5] Anand Paul, Seungmin Rho, in Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Communications, 2017, https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/comput... Intelligent transportation systems [6] Janusz Grabara, Michal Kolcun, Sebastian Kot, The role of information systems in transport logistics, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/27... [7] Maya Emilova Vladimirova, „Inteligentni transportni informatsionni sistemi v upravlenieto na zhelezopatniya sektor“, Elektronno Nauchno-prilozhno spisanie, broy 7 / 2015, http://www.ritrans.eu/index.xsp?issue=2015-... ( [7] Мая Емилова Владимирова, „Интелигентни транспортни информационни системи в управлението на железопътния сектор“, Електронно Научно-приложно списание, брой 7 / 2015, http://www.ritrans.eu/index.xsp?issue=2015-... ) |