Scientific paper ID 2363 : 2023/2
1 - Volodymyr Lysechko, Illia Syvolovskyi, Bohdan Shevchenko, 2 - Alla Nikitska, 3 - Galina Cherneva The amount of data on the Internet is growing at a tremendous rate, as users add thousands of gigabytes of data to social networks every second. It is not surprising that relational databases cannot cope with such modern arrays of information, even though they have been successfully dealing with data processing tasks for several decades. This problem has led to the need to introduce new approaches of data storing and processing in large systems. NoSQL databases coped with this task, as they allowed replacing expensive vertical scaling with efficient horizontal scaling. They also had better performance, a more flexible data model, and open-source code.
However, without unified approaches to database selection and schema implementation, application developers make mistakes at the system design stage, which can lead to additional costs and problems. Given the urgency of the problem, the paper explores modern NoSQL databases, which may be the key to improving the overall performance of server systems. database experimental research DBMS NoSQL performance testing MongoDB Neo4j.database experimental research DBMS NoSQL performance testing MongoDB Neo4j. - Volodymyr Lysechko Illia Syvolovskyi Bohdan Shevchenko - Alla Nikitska - Galina Cherneva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Graph Database. What’s the Big Deal? Towards Data Science. - URL: https://towardsdatascience.com/graph-databa... [2]. Halpin T. Entity Relationship modeling from an ORM perspective: Part 1. Object Role Modeling. - URL: http://www.orm.net/pdf/JCM11.pdf. [3]. Data, K. Introduction to database systems. / K. Data. - Moscow: Nauka, 1980. - 464 с. [4]. Teorey T., Lightstone S., Nadeau T. Database Modeling and Design. – Elsevier, 2006. – 296 P. – ISBN 978-0-12-685352-0. [5]. Wikipedia: Denormalization. - URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denormalizati... [6]. Sanders G. L., Shin S. K. Denormalization effects on performance of RDBMS/ Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2001.9 P. [7]. Meier A., Kaufmann M. SQL & NoSQL Databases: Models, Languages, Consistency Options and Architectures for Big Data Management. – Springer Vieweg, 2019. – 248 P. – ISBN 978-3658245481. [8]. MongoDB Manual. Data Model Design. - URL: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/da... |