Scientific paper ID 2346 : 2023/4

Ivanitza Boyadjieva

This article aims to examine the societal and environmental consequences of the traditional transport models implementation, as well as the necessity for an efficient, safe, and environmentally sustainable transport system that prioritizes people`s needs and ensures the quality of life in cities.

Intelligent management of mobility necessities is essential for people`s day-to-day activities and for an economy`s functioning. The sought and implemented transport solutions should improve the environmental and social living conditions in cities and lead to a higher degree of citizen satisfaction, while at the same time guaranteeing unhindered access to sustainable, healthy, and inclusive transport for all.

Walking and cycling as types of active mobility have a significant potential to contribute to overcoming the problems of cities related to reducing the impact on the environment, reducing traffic jams, dust and noise pollution, and improving the mental and physical health of people and the social environment.

Active travel modes have huge growth potential, and for providing ”first and last mile” solutions and door-to-door services. In this sense, people`s willingness to switch toward smart and sustainable transport modes in their daily mobility and making walking and cycling a preferred travel choice in cities is linked to offering appropriate infrastructure and ensuring a high level of safety. However, a higher modal share of walking and cycling and the efficient multimodal transport solutions implementation will help build sustainable cities.

активна мобилност транспортни модели ходене колоезденеactive mobility transport models walking cyclingIvanitza Boyadjieva


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