Scientific paper ID 2327 : 2022/3
Vasko Ananiev Vassilev The described aims to show the minimum necessary level of available information technologies in the railways, as well as the problematic situation in the Republic of Serbia. In the railway transport of Serbia, a range of information systems are used and maintained, including financial management, timetabling, electronic stores, asset control, centralized dispatch center system, as well as partial control systems for buildings and other physical structures and systems for Human Resources. All systems use IBM solution provided in 2007. Most of the systems use MS Windows as operating system and MS SQL as database system. As a complex solution, SAP ERP is used, the implementation of which is at an initial stage. Payroll, HR, Finance and Warehouse modules are being worked on as a priority.
The future development of railway transport goes through the implementation of intelligent transport systems. The purpose of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is advanced application by providing innovative services related to different modes of movement and traffic control. This type of system allows better information to the different users, as well as the use of the transport networks in a safer, better coordinated and ”smarter” way. Информационни системи железопътен транспорт бази данни Европейска система за контрол на влаковете GSM-RInformation systems railway transport databases European train control system GSM-RVasko Ananiev Vassilev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitar Dimitrov, Teodor Kirchev, Prilozhenie na savremennite informatsionni sredstva v sistemite za operativno upravlenie na transporta, Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii Nauchno spisanie ISSN 1312-3823, tom 11, broĭ 3, 2013 g. ( [1] Димитър Димитров, Теодор Кирчев, Приложение на съвременните информационни средства в системите за оперативно управление на транспорта, Механика Транспорт Комуникации Научно списание ISSN 1312-3823, том 11, брой 3, 2013 г. ) [2] Vladimirova M., Inteligentni transportni informatsionni sistemi v upravlenieto na zhelezopatniya sektor, Zhelezopaten Intermodalen Transport, br.7/2015 ( [2] Владимирова М., Интелигентни транспортни информационни системи в управлението на железопътния сектор, Железопътен Интермодален Транспорт, бр.7/2015 ) [3] Byala kniga: Patna karta za postiganeto na edinno evropeysko transportno prostranstvo – kam konkurentosposobna transportna sistema s efektivno izpolzvane na resursite, COM (2011) 144 okonchatelen, ( [3] Бяла книга: Пътна карта за постигането на единно европейско транспортно пространство – към конкурентоспособна транспортна система с ефективно използване на ресурсите, COM (2011) 144 окончателен, ) [4] http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/its/in... [5] http://www.ertms.net/ [6] http://www.atsa.bg/ [7] http://www.mtitc.government.bg/ |