Scientific paper ID 2326 : 2022/3
Vasko Ananiev Vassilev The development of professional development programs for railway employees aims to provide a systematic approach to the planning, coordination and implementation of the professional development of employees. It is intended primarily for the senior management of the relevant railway company and the management and employees of the department responsible for human resource development. Most often, it serves as a basis for determining the need and method of training employees to improve their competencies, for quality performance of current duties and work in the conditions of increasing opening of the market of railway services, as well as for adaptation to technological changes in infrastructure, rolling stock and means of communication.
The purpose of the study is to formulate the main directions for human capital development and the scope of the necessary trainings at the different management levels in a railway transport enterprise, based on pre-formulated strategic target directions. Expected development and analyzes in railway transport, not only in the investigated enterprise, show the need for training in the following areas: o development of digital skills, o development of management skills, o budget planning and technical-economic planning, o specific trainings for ERP systems, o highly specialized training and retraining in areas related to the safety of train traffic and additional training mainly related to the delivery of new equipment. човешки капитал железопътен транспорт професионално развитие компетенция учебна програмаhuman capital rail transport professional development competence curriculumVasko Ananiev Vassilev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Zahariev A. Perspektivni razmisli za choveshkiya kapital, sp. Dialog, 2011, Sofiya ISSN 1311-9206 ( [1] Захариев А. Перспективни размисли за човешкия капитал, сп. Диалог, 2011, София ISSN 1311-9206 ) [2] Bancheva E., Strategichesko upravlenie na choveshkite resursi i choveshki kapital - retorika i realnost , https://www.ceeol.com/search/book-detail?id... NBU 2016 ( [2] Банчева Е., Стратегическо управление на човешките ресурси и човешки капитал - реторика и реалност , https://www.ceeol.com/search/book-detail?id... НБУ 2016 ) [3] Arthur, J. B. (1994) „Effects of human resource systems on manufacturing performance and turn- over”, Academy of Management Review, 37 (4), pp. 670-687 [4] Grant Thornton (2017) How to align human capital with global business objectives. Available at: https://www.grantthornton.global/en/insight... growthiq/how-to-align-human-capital-with-global- business-objectives/ (Accessed: 14 September 2017) [5] Manpower Group (2017) Obzorno izsledvane na Manpower Group za zaetostta. Available at: https://www.manpower.bg/novini/meos3q2017/4... 75 (Accessed: 14 September 2017) ( [5] Manpower Group (2017) Обзорно изследване на Manpower Group за заетостта. Available at: https://www.manpower.bg/novini/meos3q2017/4... 75 (Accessed: 14 September 2017) ) [6] Lazarova, Yu. (2017) „Prihodite I pechalbite na kompaniite rastat”, Kapital. Available at: http://www.capital.bg/biznes/kompanii/2017/... 2997590_prihodite_i_pechalbite_na_kompaniite_ra stat/ (Accessed: 14 September 2017) |