Scientific paper ID 2325 : 2022/3

Vasko Ananiev Vassilev

The main objective of the study is to define the asset management system in railway transport as the basis of the functional specification processes of digitization. In this regard, we can derive two main categories that define the scope of asset management:

• Physical assets to which the asset management process is applied,

• A decision-making process that links physical work on the ground with resources and operations.

In the study, we use the definition given in PAS 55-1, which defines asset management as ”Systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organization optimally manages its assets and their associated performance, risks and costs throughout their life cycle in order to achieve of the organization`s business objectives.`

As a result of the conducted research, a structure of an asset management system in railway transport is proposed, which contains the following elements:

• Property register,

• Asset configuration management, including territorial distribution. Asset location, functions, operations and costs, asset information, performance management,

• Asset Life Cycle Management. Management based on conditions (Asset Health management), preventive and corrective maintenance (maintenance planning), time maintenance planning, operations,

• Risk Management. Cycle measurement and inspection, failure, incident and defect management, reporting, business research reporting, costing, deive, predictive and preive analysis.

управление на активи дигитализация железопътен транспорт функционално специфициранеasset management digitalization railway transport functional specificationVasko Ananiev Vassilev


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