Scientific paper ID 2322 : 2022/3
Angelina Hristova Milikina The report presents the main directions for changing the business model in the Road Infrastructure Agency (RAI). The study was carried out using one of the ”remote interview” methods with all responsible factors for the management and functioning of the API. In addition, a comparative analysis was made with comparable enterprises in selected EU member states.
The main research area is finding a balance between centralization and decentralization in management. Dispersion of functions and activities in central management creates chaos and this is not good to continue. Functions should be concentrated where there is the greatest concentration of competence for the respective group. It is also important to organizationally separate the main areas of activities related to the maintenance and repair of roads, namely - current repair and maintenance (R&M), major repair (OR) and new construction, but before that it should be regulated by law, including technical input norms and key output indicators that ensure proper asset life cycle management. And finally, but not the least important is the optimization of the functionality of the electronic system of the national toll road management, fully guaranteeing the protection of the state interest and the ability to manage traffic on the republican road network. пътна инфраструктура модел за управление управленски функции текущ ремонт ново строителство преструктуриране човешки ресурсиroad infrastructure management model management functions current repair new construction restructuring human resourcAngelina Hristova Milikina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]. Mihaylov N. i kolektiv, Stroitelstvo na avtomobilni patishta, 2021 izd. UASG, Sofiya ( [1]. Михайлов Н. и колектив, Строителство на автомобилни пътища, 2021 изд. УАСГ, София ) [2]. Nikolova H., Transport i speditsiya, 2018, izd. UNSS, Sofiya ( [2]. Николова Х., Транспорт и спедиция, 2018, изд. УНСС, София ) [3]. 120 godini Darzhavna patna administratsiya v Balgariya, 2003, izd. MRRB, Sofiya ( [3]. 120 години Държавна пътна администрация в България, 2003, изд. МРРБ, София ) [4]. Mihaylov, N., Katsarov, I. - ”Strategicheski nasoki za razvitie na transporten koridor VIII”, sbornik, Konferentsiya po patishta na R. Makedoniya, april 2018 g. ( [4]. Михайлов, Н., Кацаров, И. - ”Стратегически насоки за развитие на транспортен коридор VIII”, сборник, Конференция по пътища на Р. Македония, април 2018 г. ) [5]. Vasilev V., Upravlenie na transportni sistemi, 2004, izd. Stopanstvo, Sofiya ( [5]. Василев В., Управление на транспортни системи, 2004, изд. Стопанство, София ) |