Scientific paper ID 2314 : 2022/3

Orlin Iliev Kolev

On the eve of 2019 The Financial Supervision Commission grants approval to the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD for the organization of a new unregulated capital market, namely, a market for the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (BEAM market - Bulgarian Enterprise Accelerator Market).

BEAM is an organized securities market of enterprises from the SME sector, which are granted access to the stock exchange under reduced conditions for starting trading. The leading advantage for companies that decide to raise financial resources through the BEAM market is the absence of a ment to prepare a prospectus, as well as its approval by the Financial Supervision Commission. The main restrictive conditions for the companies is to raise funds up to 3 million. euro and have a legal organizational form – a joint-stock company.

Through the BEAM market, a new alternative option for financing small and medium-sized enterprises is opened through a public offering to a wide group of investors. A single, restrictive condition is placed in front of the pension funds, which cannot invest in enterprises traded on the BEAM market. Enterprises from the transport industry, like most commercial companies, have a need for financial resources to implement their business projects and ventures.

A large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have limited access to a low-cost publicly available resource and the BEAM market provides them with a good financial alternative. The highlight of the article is the presentation of the public offering of ”Sin Kars Industries” AD and ”Dronamix Capital” AD.

BEAM капиталов пазар пазар за растеж на малки и средни предприятия МСП Комисия за финансов надзор (КФН)BEAM capital market growth market for small and medium enterprises SMEs The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC)Orlin Iliev Kolev


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( [3] Източник: Българска фондова борса – София АД, BEAM – търгуеми инструменти, дата на достъп 28 август 2022г., )

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( [4] Борсов профил Син кар индиъстри АД, , дата на достъп 29 август 2022г., )

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( [6] Борсов профил Дронамикс капитал АД, , дата на достъп 30 август 2022г. )




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