Scientific paper ID 2310 : 2022/3
Magdalena Petrova-Kirova Enterprises’ management in times of uncertainty caused by the global financial and economic crisis in recent years demands the companies’ managers to find and apply specific management methods which would lead to reduction of negative consequences. Analysing some of the main management approaches determines control as a primary management method. Being part of the management process, control is implemented through feedback carrying information with respect to achieved results, possible variances and corrective actions. With view to achieving higher activity efficiency, the enterprise ought to implement a so-called budgetary control process through which to establish the specific variances, analyse their possible causes of occurrence and perform the necessary activities towards their removal in order to decrease negative consequences.
планиране управление отклонения реализация контролplanning management variances performance controlMagdalena Petrova-Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petrova, D., Stopansko upravlenie, lektsionen kurs, TU Gabrovo, 2012 g. ( [1] Петрова, Д., Стопанско управление, лекционен курс, ТУ Габрово, 2012 г. ) [2] Nikolov, N., Stopansko upravlenie, izd. VTU ,,Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2012 g. ( [2] Николов, Н., Стопанско управление, изд. ВТУ ,,Тодор Каблешков”, София, 2012 г. ) [3] Lambovska, M., Byudzhetno upravlenie na stopanskata organizatsiya, izd. EKS-PRES, Gabrovo, 2015 g. ( [3] Ламбовска, М., Бюджетно управление на стопанската организация, изд. ЕКС-ПРЕС, Габрово, 2015 г. ) [4] Yosifova, D., M. Petrova-Kirova, Upravlensko schetovodstvo, izd. VTU T. Kableshkov, Sofiya, 2021 g., s. ( [4] Йосифова, Д., М. Петрова-Кирова, Управленско счетоводство, изд. ВТУ Т. Каблешков, София, 2021 г., с. ) [5] Targovski registar, dostapen onlayn na: https://portal.registryagency.bg/ ( [5] Търговски регистър, достъпен онлайн на: https://portal.registryagency.bg/ ) [6] Natsionalen statisticheski institut (NSI), dostapen onlayn na: https://www.nsi.bg/bg ( [6] Национален статистически институт (НСИ), достъпен онлайн на: https://www.nsi.bg/bg ) |