Scientific paper ID 2300 : 2022/3
Valentina Staneva, Hristo Stanev 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Agreement on the Establishment of a Functional Airspace Block DANUBE FAB between the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania. It has been concluded in accordance with the Single European Sky Regulations of the European Parliament and of the Council and the relevant implementing acts, in order to establish a functional airspace block in the airspace for which the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania are responsible. The original idea was to reduce the negative aspects of crossing many state borders by allowing the use of airspace along the most direct air corridors, while preserving the sovereignty of each of the participating countries.
The real value of the economic benefits of using DANUBE FAB is manifested after the establishment of free route airspace (FRA), which s neighboring countries of Bulgaria and Romania. To date, Hungary and Slovakia have joined the FRA initiative, and interest has been shown by Moldova and northern Macedonia, which have observer status within DANUBE FAB. The purpose of this report is to present the development of the idea of implementing a green deal in the field of air transport, as a result of which the reduction of environmental pollution from air traffic passing through the airspace of DANUBE FAB is reported. Въздушен транспорт Функционален блок въздушно пространство зелена сделка въздушно пространство свободно за планиране.Air transport Functional airspace block green deal free route airspace (FRA)Valentina Staneva Hristo Stanev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Fox S J. Single European Skies: Functional Airspace Blocks – Delays and responses, ISSN 2367-6620 (online). [2] Gossling S, Upham P. Climate Change and Aviation. 2009, London, ISBN 978-1-84407-619-2. [3] Konventsiya za mezhdunarodno grazhdansko vazduhoplavane, obn. v DV br. 55/08.07.1994 g., posl. izm. v DV br. 82/14.10.2005 g., Convention on International Civil Aviation, (Doc 7300). ( [3] Конвенция за международно гражданско въздухоплаване, обн. в ДВ бр. 55/08.07.1994 г., посл. изм. в ДВ бр. 82/14.10.2005 г., Convention on International Civil Aviation, (Doc 7300). ) [4] Sporazumenie za ustanovyavane na funktsionalen blok vazdushno prostranstvo DANUBE FAB mezhdu Republika Balgariya i Rumaniya, Ratifitsirano sas zakon, priet ot 41-oto Narodno sabranie na 14 mart 2012 g., v sila ot 16 noemvri 2012 g., obn. v DV. br. 25 ot 2012 g. ( [4] Споразумение за установяване на функционален блок въздушно пространство DANUBE FAB между Република България и Румъния, Ратифицирано със закон, приет от 41-ото Народно събрание на 14 март 2012 г., в сила от 16 ноември 2012 г., обн. в ДВ. бр. 25 от 2012 г. ) [5] Action plan of the Republic of Bulgaria for CO2 Emissions Reduction from Civil Aviation, Ed. July 2021. [6] https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/prioriti... [7] https://www.eurocontrol.int/concept/free-ro... Free Route Airspace Implementation - End 2022/2030. |