Scientific paper ID 2295 : 2022/3
T.Berov, A. Borisov, P. Stoyanova In recent years, the problems related to environmental pollution in big cities have come to the fore. Freight transport and its part for the distribution of goods in cities are major factors in energy consumption and environmental pollution. The subject of this report is an analysis of the environmental impact caused by urban freight transport and logistics. In order to measure the effectiveness of the introduced measures, it is necessary to determine the amount of harmful emissions associated with the movement of freight vehicles. With this in mind, the methodology for calculating the harmful effects of vehicle traffic is examined, analysing, summarizing and systematizing the types of models for simulating vehicle emissions and emission factors applied in Europe. The main approaches used for calculating the amount of emitted harmful emissions caused by the movement of a car are systematized. In order to analyse the data obtained from traffic and emission sensors located in the urban area, an approach is presented to determine the harmful emissions from the movement of goods vehicles, referred to the total recorded car traffic. Measures and approaches to reduce harmful emissions, applicable to logistics and transport activities in an urban area, have been identified and systematized.
транспорт товарен градски околна среда замърсителиtransport urban freight environment pollutantsT.Berov A. Borisov P. Stoyanova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] https://op.europa.eu/webpub/eca/special-rep... [2] Michel André, Mario Keller, Åke Sjödin, Marie Gadrat, Ian Mc Crae, The ARTEMIS European Tools for estimating the Pollutant Emissions from Road Transport and their Application in Sweden and France, 2008, 17th International Conference ’Transport and Air Pollution’ 2008, Graz, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/22... [3] Update of the models TREMOD/TREMOD-MM for emission reporting 2020 (reporting period 1990-2018), https://www.ifeu.de/en/project/uba-tremod-2... [4] EPA, https://www.epa.gov/chief [5] Aktualizirana “Metodika za izchislyavane po balansovi metodi na emisiite na vredni veshtestva (zamarsiteli), izpuskani v atmosferniya vazduh (saglasno EMEP/CORINAIR 1997 i 2000g., 3-to izdanie ot m. septemvri 2004g.)” ( [5] Актуализирана “Методика за изчисляване по балансови методи на емисиите на вредни вещества (замърсители), изпускани в атмосферния въздух (съгласно EMEP/CORINAIR 1997 и 2000г., 3-то издание от м. септември 2004г.)” ) [6] Bilotta, S., Nesi, P. Estimating CO2 Emissions from IoT Traffic Flow Sensors and Reconstruction. Sensors 2022, 22, 3382. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22093382 [7] Identifying the Challenges to Sustainable Urban Last-Mile Deliveries: Perspectives from Public and Private Stakeholders - https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/8/4701/ht... |