Scientific paper ID 2293 : 2022/3
Boryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova The current study objective is to present the newly designed by the author backward EFL and ESP curriculum for PhD students in terms of its essential characteristics. The paper is written within the framework of FL (EL) curriculum types theory with reference to researchers’ views, along with the author’s ones. Each curriculum type is treated with respect to components it lays emphasis on.
The author’s opinion about backward curriculum design comprising features of forward and central design is justified in the perspective of her understanding of the cognitive curriculum development leading to learners’ communicative competence improvement. Backward EFL and ESP curriculum design preconditions the most favourable learning outcomes due to the opportunities it provides for optimal cognitive teaching procedures (cognitive language learning strategies) implementation. The EFL and ESP curriculum for PhD students is delineated in terms of its objectives, methodological framework, selection of materials in dependence on PhD students’ general and specific English language needs stemming from these learners’ corresponding scientific specialties. The curriculum, which consists of three modules, the first and the second ones (General English) supporting the third one (ESP) in terms of vocabulary, grammar, language functions, focuses on the construction of learner language awareness, motivation and autonomy. видове учебни програми разработване на учебна програма по АЧЕ и АСЦ в обратна посока когнитивно преподаване езикова осъзнатост потребности на обучаемитеcurriculum design types EFL and ESP backward curriculum design cognitive teaching language awarBoryana T. Ruzhekova-Rogozherova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Finney D., The ELT curriculum: A Flexible Model for a Changing World, Richards, J. & Renandya, W. (Eds), Methodology in Language Teaching. 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